HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end


Well-Known Member
Day 1:
Lighting : T5 Sunblaze 4ft with 4 blue spectrum bulbes
Soil: FoxFarm Ocean mix
Fertilizer: FoxFarm BigBloom, FoxFarm Grow Big, FoxFarm Tiger Bloom.
EXtra: PH up PH down &PH Meter, PPM Meter, some grow thing that helps roots get the nuts. Dont have it with me i will add it later.

I bought 5 medi bud seeds and 2 bag seeds, after germination i put the seeds in to plastic cups and they sprouted in 2 days 3 have sprouted all medi bud.
Humity is 50 % and Temp is 81, lighting is on 24/7.

Room is about 8ft in length with about 4ft width, 8ft in hight. Walls are covered with white plastic sheeting white oneside to reflect light black on other side to help prevent mold. Floor is covered also.

will post pictures soon i need a camera.


Well-Known Member

The sprouts are strong 3 have poped up still waiting on the other 3 to sprout hopefully they come soon but the 3 medi bud sprouts look like they love the T5 blue spectrum, they are doing alot better then my cfl when i had them.

Sorry still no camera ill have one sooon...:hump:


Well-Known Member
3 more sprouted up to day so now i am up to 4 medi bud sprouts and 1 bag bud seed just for kicks and giggles.

I also mist my plants every day i have heard people say do it and other not to do it, but i am doing it in small portions( its my mothering touch i guess..haha).
am keeping ph level at 6.1.


Well-Known Member
Day 4: Today the sprouts loooked very health more sprouts have appeared
and temp was stable at about 80 f and humidity was around %50.

I also gave the sprouts this stuff called {Hygrozyme} it seems to be very good its not a fertilizer or nutrient. it just helps the lil sprouts absorb shit better.:blsmoke:
I know its only day 4 so i only added 4ml of it to a little under 2 gallons it said to add 8ml per gal so i gave it just a nibble.

Tell me if u have infromation on Hygrozyme or any advice.


Well-Known Member
Well all the sprouts are up and runnning they have 4 leafs now and are working on the next set, these guys have been doing so much better than my last ones the temp is at 76 and 40% humidity.

Also i got good News PICTURES will be up tomorrow i got my paycheck so am going out 2 buy a nice one anyone got a good one in mind i am probably going to pay about 300 so telll me a good one thanks.:hump:


Well-Known Member
here are some pics i got a nice camrea:blsmoke:

Ummm how do i upload pictures from my camera i cant figure it out???


Active Member
hey i know what you need to do.
go to w w w . p h o t o b u c k e t . c o m
sign up for an account and then go to my albums
once there where it says browse click on that and than find where your picture is.
once done do that until you have all your pictures there.
and then click upload
**** key point***
when you see you image dont below you what to copy and past the ****DIRECT LINK****
messege box here on roll it up. and the post ur message.
bada bing bada Boom.


Well-Known Member
It sound like you have a good idea of what you need and the plants look healthy. What type of ventilation do you have? Thats a pretty good size space. If you haven't purchased your 3 gallon pots yet I have some you can have, stop bye and pick them up. VV


Well-Known Member
Well day 10 has come and all my babies are looking great my 2 oldest are going on there 2 set of leaves and the younger ones are at 1 set. I will also start my feeding tomorrow morning or this morning how ever you wanna look at it but ill also have new pictures in the morning to tired to do it now just got off of work and smoked a bowl so aaa later is coool hahaha:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks i try to be haha i want this bitchs to grow to be my lil tree's, ive got new pictures of them the day after feeding they look even better ill post them up to night.

but i have one question the baby leafs do turn yellow and fall off after about 14days right?? when the plant has more leafs i mean of course?