HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end


Well-Known Member
I'm using Grow Big and Big Bloom right now in my grow... but only on the clones and on my mothers, my seedlings are still just getting straight water. I use 5ml Grow Big + 1 or 2ml(alternating) of the Big Bloom to one gallon of water. The change between the 1 and 2ml give the ph a little up and down motion which I think the plants like. BTW, good luck pulling those seeds out of that slump, just make sure the soil stays damp, not soaked, and that you baby those little guys like no other, even seedlings are pretty resilient, they really just like attention.


Well-Known Member
Ok well the two yougest guy are looking great even better than the old ones when they were health but my old one dont look so goood :( one of them even looks a little crispy almost i would say they are still green and have a little moisture ill post a pic when i find my usb cord


Well-Known Member
Well the leaves are starting to turn yellow just a little but the leaves are very dark green and crispy the yellowing is from the middle out on the leafs

My other two are looking great on the other hand.


Well-Known Member
Well today i thinki am down 2 two plants now the other two just seem to get worse but you learn from your mistakes but i still have not given up hope i till mist them go we will see.


Well-Known Member
I would have a quite burial for the first two the second two look really good still hold off on the nutes....and I would def quit drinking natural light ewwwwwwwww


Well-Known Member
So you think they are goners?? that sucks o well i learned.
natural light is pretty bad i agree i am more of a dark beer guy but i do drink the shitty shit 2. haha


Well-Known Member
they are pretty dried up I mean the last that could happen is new growth...look at it this way now you only have two to focus all your love on....


Well-Known Member
But but they were so . young they never lived in the veg stage or flower tis tis aaa ill just smoke them jk

but ok life goes on


Well-Known Member
ewww I dont think thats gonna be good 'member they died cuz they were full of chemicals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well Haze, even if those plants do die, they did not die without a purpose. I just got all my fox farm nutrients ( grow big, tigerbloom, and big bloom ), and ocean forest. I was thinking of following the fox farm schedual, and against everything I know, give them light dosages of big bloom, before they were three weeks. = (

becuase of you making this journal, my plants wont have to suffer the pain that yours did = ). And in return for you helping me avoid such a mistake, I will let you name one of my plants.

Thanks alot mate, and I still hope those sick ones pull through.

Ill be folowing this grow, so if you need any advice just ask.


Well-Known Member
Also did you buy the cha ching, beastie bloomz, and open sesame yet? I am still unsure if they are worth the 65$.

Would deffently like to see how they affect your plants, and buy accordingly. Its cool becuase you are going to be about 3 weeks ahead of me, so I can see how the plants react to the different levels of nutrients, so when you update if you can keep telling how much of each nutrient you used, it would be a great help.

Also what strains are you growing?


Well-Known Member
Also did you buy the cha ching, beastie bloomz, and open sesame yet? I am still unsure if they are worth the 65$.

Would deffently like to see how they affect your plants, and buy accordingly. Its cool because you are going to be about 3 weeks ahead of me, so I can see how the plants react to the different levels of nutrients, so when you update if you can keep telling how much of each nutrient you used, it would be a great help.

Also what strains are you growing?
Thankss man yea i do not suggest going by their schedule. i found out the hard way but i guess if this help someone i am ok haha. but for your question NO i have not picked up the cha ching beastie bloomz or open sesame i have heard good things surrounding these products do so i am willing to try them.

If anyone has tried these products i would love some info.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
hazy quit trying to roid your plants out I cant believe you are still in mourning for your dead babies and you are jones to get more nutes....more nutes.....ah ahah ha more nutes...


Well-Known Member
HAHA am ok now i just sparked a J so i am happy ... yea now that you said somthing maybe i should hold off on that, i guess all that will come in time i just need to grow my two other babys now and i just missed class fuck o well.


Well-Known Member
I think im going to start at like 5ml of big bloom, and 5 ml of grow big. 1/3rd of the reccomended dosage, and see how they do with that.

I would deffently hold back on the nutes for a little bit those hazy, wait until you see signs that they need some.


Well-Known Member
Well man i learned from my shit i will never start nutes till at least 3 weeks or even more if they need it . but man fuck BB i would just use some of the grow big y give a seedling bloom nuts just like pinksensa said.