HBBum Strawberry Dream II


Well-Known Member
I was told it can take 20-30 days to get a cutting to root if the momma was in flower, maybe just leave in the water for a bit longer, it will either root or die :)
Yeah, I am hearing you guys and agreeing wholeheartedly.. The only thing is I can't get the cuts to live past 2.5 to 3 weeks in plugs. They eventually succumb, that's a long time to be breathing in from just a few leaves I'm finding. I'm hoping by sticking them directly into a cup of water it will give them no choice but to pump roots out since there's no foliar spraying. I've found that sitting in peat pucks for almost 3 weeks without roots the stems eventually start to rot, no matter how closely I keep the peat regulated moisture wise. Maybe fresh water in a cup will give me better success.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. The cutting I took from these clones actually already has some roots hanging out, not sure wtf I will do with it since I do not even have room for these two. Not much to look at now but here they are:

IMG_20130908_103823_732_zps473afec2.jpg IMG_20130908_103804_436_zps29e18134.jpg


Well-Known Member
Pretty good growth, I chopped the shit out of the one in the 2g and re-tied the 1g down.

Transferred the cutting I had in water into a solo cup of roots organic and perlite. My little veg cab is full, no friggin clue what I will do with these plants. Any plans I make right now are likely to change so for now the plan is to just go with the flow.



Well-Known Member
They look real good. You are quite limited on space. I thought mine was tight! How do you like the UFO? I was thinking of looking for some eventually for my veg cabinet if I get a good price on them.


Well-Known Member
The UFO is ok, but I would not buy it again if I did it over. It is good for this little space to hold these clones while I wait for the momma to finnish up, but the real growth will come when I move them into my bigger(all things are relative) space. Will probably run the MH for only 1-2 weeks before cutting over to 12-12.


Active Member
They look really good subbed for the ride keep it up

quick question tho your only using water to clone? ive heard of doing that but never tryed to myself without a cloning gel of some kind


Well-Known Member
Yeah, only water. Though I did add a little Superthrive to the water, I do not think that is needed. FWIW, I actually use the same method for basil and it works great with nothing added to the water.


Active Member
hmm good to know ill have to try that method once i get another room set up for veg such limited space atm only have the 1 going (wich is still in veg for atleast another week-2) so i have alittle time to figure it out =P no extra lights i can use (that i know of) and a limited budget but im thinking about taking an old computer apart for a micro veg room with some cfls


Well-Known Member
While in veg, you cn just stikck the cup under the canopy of your existing grow, you dont want that intense of light for the clones anyway. When in flowering, I kept the cup in the flower cab during night time(lights on in cab) and in the window during the daytime (lights out in the cab).

This worked well since I also have a very small grow space and it kept the cuttings alive for a long time with no real growth. When I was ready for them to start growing, I already had a bunch of roots in the water. I planted them in the soil, they looked like shit for a few days and then really took off. Worked for me since I did not want them to grow for a while, and I didn't have the second space for the time the clones sat in the cup and they still lived a pretty long time without growing much. I have had some basil in a mason jar in the kitchen window going for a few months.


Active Member
well that is definitely a way to do it and probably how ill do it once i send my baby into flowering and i definitely dont want this strain to be gone gotta love the hybrid combos in her cant wait to put out a smoke report and let everyone know how it is :) still got awhile before that tho

P.S. you asked earlier in a previous thread what size container shes in and its a 5 gallon bucket


Well-Known Member
Plain ph6.5 water this morning and topped 1g. Even after topping in 4 places, she is still way bigger than 2g.

Next watering will be an EWC tea that I have been brewing.


Well-Known Member
I do either a straight ewc tea, which is just castings and molasses bubbled for 24-36 hours or I will do castings, molasses with a scoop of organic happy frog 5-8-4 bubbled for the same duration. I take the remnants and use them as a top dressing.

Nothing fancy for sure.


Well-Known Member
With all of the topping I am getting some odd structure, but looks like they will be plenty bushy.




Well-Known Member
Thanks, well just moved into their new home under a 400w MH. Probably only 1 week, 2 max before I switch to 12-12. Will be my first run with multiple plants in this little space. Using a bigger stationary fan for now until drying is done, then I can move the little oscillating fan back in.
