HD's grow journal


Active Member
This my 1st grow journal,planted my 3 seeds at 5:33pm on the 22nd of january 2008..
Im letting them sprout in soil that regular weeds have grown in(i think the soil is good because they filled a piece of land with an area of 260m squarded within a day and they were already huge so im sure its okay to get them to sprout in till i get the proper soil from my couzins house)...
Im using rain water to water them,I heard its better,dont know how but ya wateva..
Pictures will come once they sprout and i planted them in a small pot with holes,stuck it in the ground next door then covered up the tub(its dark green so it blends in with the low weeds)...btw,im growing next to a cops house hahaha,hes my dads drinking buddy so its all good...update coming on 24th,hopefully theyll be pics..cheerz


Well-Known Member
Well... ok welcome to the forum. So you are starting an outdoor grow? And don't water again unless the seeds have spouted and look thirsty. easy does it, no need to drown them. Can't wait for the pictures. VV