He said no to a night with Raquel Welsh. You have to be kidding me.

knew someone who was a limo driver, he drove alice cooper a few times but alice eventually started the whole "wanna be a christian, have you found christ" evangelical shtick and the driver asked to switch up as he never tipped.
knew someone who was a limo driver, he drove alice cooper a few times but alice eventually started the whole "wanna be a christian, have you found christ" evangelical shtick and the driver asked to switch up as he never tipped.

was it him?

no, he has a youtube channel though, haven't spoke to him in a while, he's a satanist(not a devil worshipper) and posted videos about it detailing the situation.

those who don't know, satanism is a religion based on doing what feels good, what feels right to a person. usually has nothing to do with worship, like christians, those that end up being obsessed worshipers of the deity lose sight of what the core values of the religion are and become lunatics. (goes for any religion of 'peace').
