healed by christ

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
so the scam spread from the USA > Australia > Britain

ain't faith healing just priests convincing sick poeple to die from illness and use the delusion of god as a placebo effect? these people should be arrested for this kind of shit, when any other corporation does false advertisement they get sued...

moral christians should rally against this kinda crap but all i see are support, like some faucet water is going to cure a disease.

btw, wonder why africa doesn't have a success story for lowering rates of hiv and aids victims? because of the church: "dont wear condoms, they keep you from having aids born children, and give you aids." good stuff, put billions of dollars into missionary reserves in african aids sticken nations and overlook the epidemic.



Well-Known Member
let me tell you something kid, im 23 i got hit by a train and lived broke so many bones shreaded my leg off. id never be where i am if it wern't for christ. have faith dude, prayer is so powerful. if humans would stop trying so hard god will give you everything needed, shun the pride envy and lust and it will help dramatically.


Well-Known Member
let me tell you something kid, im 23 i got hit by a train and lived broke so many bones shreaded my leg off. id never be where i am if it wern't for christ. have faith dude, prayer is so powerful. if humans would stop trying so hard god will give you everything needed, shun the pride envy and lust and it will help dramatically.
wait the reporter is lying first off about having HIV, it sounds like it she makes no distinction of saying if the info give is false or not. and second you have a gay dark skin male still doing what he does. yes gods power takes time. but he above anyone is more prone to getting worse because he is gay and we dont know anything of his partner nor do we know if either of them are faithful. if you have a dirty needle with HIV and pray to get healed and keep sticking the same needle in your arm of course your going to get sick as shit. are you really taking this advice from this kind of media. check your brain bro i think it needs a new battery


Well-Known Member
let me tell you something kid, im 23 i got hit by a train and lived broke so many bones shreaded my leg off. id never be where i am if it wern't for christ. have faith dude, prayer is so powerful. if humans would stop trying so hard god will give you everything needed, shun the pride envy and lust and it will help dramatically.
and another thing, there are so many mega churches out there for profit. i live in a town with one central and they are one giant monster. the bible says watch out for churches like this. and one that speaks of wars{mega church part b} they are promoting themselves that should be a red flag right there for you not to attend something like that. if your going to base any thought or belief here after on this video, as it relates to churches in general then its bias


Well-Known Member
so the scam spread from the USA > Australia > Britain

ain't faith healing just priests convincing sick poeple to die from illness and use the delusion of god as a placebo effect? these people should be arrested for this kind of shit, when any other corporation does false advertisement they get sued...

moral christians should rally against this kinda crap but all i see are support, like some faucet water is going to cure a disease.

btw, wonder why africa doesn't have a success story for lowering rates of hiv and aids victims? because of the church: "dont wear condoms, they keep you from having aids born children, and give you aids." good stuff, put billions of dollars into missionary reserves in african aids sticken nations and overlook the epidemic.

Here's an amusing video about the illusion of prayer:


This video talks about the Templeton study of the power of prayer. For those of you who don't know about the Templeton Foundation, they try to find any person of science to support christianity, and award the winner with a million dollar annual prize (so much for non-biased endorsement). They sponsored a 2.5 million dollar study on the effectiveness of prayer, and the results were far from what they had hoped. Prayer was actually injurious:


Pat the stoner

New Member
I never knew anyone healed by faith . Iv'e seen people try it and then when it doesnt work they are told its their own fault cause they don't have enough faith - sounds a lot like blame the victim to me . When my car breaks down I take it to a mechanic . If I get sick I'm going to see a doctor .

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
let me tell you something kid, im 23 i got hit by a train and lived broke so many bones shreaded my leg off. id never be where i am if it wern't for christ. have faith dude, prayer is so powerful. if humans would stop trying so hard god will give you everything needed, shun the pride envy and lust and it will help dramatically.
the same thing happened to me in a car accident, cept without the broken leg. i healed because of a helicopter, trained docters, i have a strong body, and a strong will to live. i give myself all the credit, and my mother and father gene combination.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
let me tell you something kid, im 23 i got hit by a train and lived broke so many bones shreaded my leg off. id never be where i am if it wern't for christ. have faith dude, prayer is so powerful. if humans would stop trying so hard god will give you everything needed, shun the pride envy and lust and it will help dramatically.
dude, i seen my best friend die before my eyes when i was seven, the reason he's dead and you are alive, and its not because of christ, you are alive because you recieved medical attention, my friend josh wasn't so lucky. you need to get a hold of whats real, those doctors or surgeons who treated you, those are your real angels, not the imaginary ones in the bible. they keep people alive and treat illness and disease. take a knowledgeable doctor back in time and people would kiss his ass more than jesus if he had the equiptment and technology we have today. knowledge builds on the shoulders of the previous generation, and you sold out some of the people who we should be proudest of, to what? your personal moral guide?

is it really too difficult to thank the doctors or surgeons who helped you? talk about pride

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
dude, i seen my best friend die before my eyes when i was seven, the reason he's dead and you are alive are not because of christ, you are alive because you recieved medical attention, my friend josh wasn't so lucky.
i kinda belive that but im not religious...everyone has a fate and destiny...your ticket gets punched when its your time...unless you cheat and shoot yourself...then again i know 2 people who failed at that to, one has no nose and the pther dude is missing some face.....jus wasnt thier time lol

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
i kinda belive that but im not religious...everyone has a fate and destiny...your ticket gets punched when its your time...unless you cheat and shoot yourself...then again i know 2 people who failed at that to, one has no nose and the pther dude is missing some face.....jus wasnt thier time lol
the way i look at it is, your parents decide your fate, from the moment they had sex to concieve you (or if they had no intention of even doing so) to the point where they decided to feed you and teach you, but when you are old enough, then you are responsible for the rest, even if you punch your own ticket. im certain being dead is alot like the time before your parents had sex to give birth to you, time keeps going.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
the way i look at it is, your parents decide your fate, from the moment they had sex to concieve you (or if they had no intention of even doing so) to the point where they decided to feed you and teach you, but when you are old enough, then you are responsible for the rest, even if you punch your own ticket. im certain being dead is alot like the time before your parents had sex to give birth to you, time keeps going.
i dunno , maybe...but anyway you put it, yeah were all pre set

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
the way i look at it is, your parents decide your fate, from the moment they had sex to concieve you (or if they had no intention of even doing so) to the point where they decided to feed you and teach you, but when you are old enough, then you are responsible for the rest, even if you punch your own ticket. im certain being dead is alot like the time before your parents had sex to give birth to you, time keeps going.
...there's a buddhist saying about 'the face you had before you were born' - that ^ sounds like that.


Well-Known Member
the way i look at it is, your parents decide your fate, from the moment they had sex to concieve you (or if they had no intention of even doing so) to the point where they decided to feed you and teach you, but when you are old enough, then you are responsible for the rest, even if you punch your own ticket. im certain being dead is alot like the time before your parents had sex to give birth to you, time keeps going.
Mark Twain had a great line like that:

Mr. Clemens was once asked whether he feared death. He said that he did not, in view of the fact that he had been dead for billions and billions of years before he was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it...