Healing with psychedelics


Well-Known Member
Hiiiigghh!!!! Welcome to the Hallucinatory Section. Hopefully One day it will be the Entheogen Section. We are about elevating consciousness here. Not lowering it.
Cute. There is an entheogen section at Lowes if you know what you're looking for. You clearly don't.


Well-Known Member
yes cause heatlessbbq is definitely one of the trolls of RIU *rolls eyes*

Sorry, I'm just so used to knee-jerk, snarky trolling I'm doing it myself. Inexcusable. Apologies.

To answer your q, entheogens are actually quite easy to obtain. Depending on where you live a stroll around your neighborhood can reveal enough to stun a small army. You'll need to research this info yourself, though, which is probably a good thing because it's actually pretty easy to kill yourself with some of the more exotic ones. (although probably not the ones in your neighborhood).

These things are quite powerful and generally not recreational, although people use them for such. In most cultures where they've been integrated there are stringent rules on their use. Up to and including the death penalty.

If you're truly interested you'll find what you seek.