Health Care Bill Moves Forward

Are you actually trying to tell me the American people are against healthcare reform. Just what cave are you living in?
The cave I am in gets reports that the public is almost 80% against this monstrosity of an attack on our freedoms. With the potential to totally tank our economy, young, old, and all those between are seeing this for the money sucking bill that it is. Have you or anyone actually read this thing?:?:
Do you care about personal freedom? How can you sleep at night?

How can you believe that this will cover 30 million more citizens, cost less, and save money? How is this possible? Please explain.


New Member
The ppl aren't against health care reform.

They ARE against the govt. doing the reform, since they screw everything they touch completely up. That's common knowledge, what cave are you living in?

Give me some successful govt. programs if you think ur right.

My neighbor just had his medicare payment go from 80 to 120. That's a 50% increase. He dropped it and went with an HMO, which was cheaper and has better hospitalization.

Rationing has already begun with medicare.

But you go on believing that the public sector does things well and efficiently ... :roll:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If we don't have the right NOT TO PARTICIPATE...are we still free?

Can somebody that is for government run healthcare please answer this one simple question?

Illegal Smile

The liberal idea that people are too stupid to know the difference between healthcare and healthcare insurance, or between healthcare reform and this particular approach has been proven wrong. When polls ask about the need for healthcare reform (which actually means insurance reform) it is a resounding yes. But when asked about this bill it falls to 35%. They know and they won't be fooled again.


Well-Known Member
polls mean nothing.

that's why liberals say polls say one thing, conservatives with a similar poll reach different conclusions.... because there is fault in the methodology that makes data be skewed.

Illegal Smile

polls mean nothing.

that's why liberals say polls say one thing, conservatives with a similar poll reach different conclusions.... because there is fault in the methodology that makes data be skewed.
Why don't you admit that it isn't the polls you find meaningless, it's the opinion of the American people.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you admit that it isn't the polls you find meaningless, it's the opinion of the American people.
i would find them meaningful if they all reached the same conclusion

someone says 80% of people oppose thehealthcare bil, someone else says 70 percent of people support it...

it's all pointing to the FACT that the people asking the questions are messing around with the data.

reliability and repeatability have to be present for data to be considered valid.

the way different polls reach different numbers and conclusions shows that the data is skewed..... it's not rocket science, well, sort of... it's statistics... google that shit....


Well-Known Member
i would find them meaningful if they all reached the same conclusion

someone says 80% of people oppose thehealthcare bil, someone else says 70 percent of people support it...

it's all pointing to the FACT that the people asking the questions are messing around with the data.

reliability and repeatability have to be present for data to be considered valid.

the way different polls reach different numbers and conclusions shows that the data is skewed..... it's not rocket science, well, sort of... it's statistics... google that shit....
Illegal Smiles won't get it but this is the truth.

Take a poll here on the legalization of marijuana and it will not represent the rest of society. Take a poll at church, same thing. Take a poll calling people at home and again it's only a certain segment of society they'll reach, with something in common to start with.

"80% of fat stay at home moms who weren't on the telemarketers blocked caller list and who actually answered the phone and weren't smart enough to screen their calls first and who don't even own a phone with caller ID and who were in a good enough mood and polite enough to talk to pollsters not too busy to take our calls and then actually did the poll said:"

Wow, that's going to be really accurate.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to explain that old world saying or whatever it is smiles. My grandma used to say old expressions like that, but without the background they have no meaning.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hey I know! Let's take a poll to see how many people want every fucking move controlled by a government that wants to run your life. Everybody agree that being forced to buy some insurance or go to jail is a good thing? I can't hear you...

Illegal Smile

You'll have to explain that old world saying or whatever it is smiles. My grandma used to say old expressions like that, but without the background they have no meaning.
I think any educated well-read person knows that expression. it is not obscure and it is not old world. It simply means that the liberals see the writing on the wall - this bill and the public option are dead. Whistling through the graveyard is any attempt at feigning unconcern with what in fact is scaring you. Like trying to tell yourself the polls aren't meaningful.


Well-Known Member
I heard about things called books, I think I may have read one once. I did I did, I read the marijuana grow bible cover to cover.

But that's the only book I've ever really read, even in college I just skimmed things.

add and books don't compute

Illegal Smile

I heard about things called books, I think I may have read one once. I did I did, I read the marijuana grow bible cover to cover.

But that's the only book I've ever really read, even in college I just skimmed things.

add and books don't compute
I know that's not true and that you are a pretty smart one. I'll bet you never forget "whistling through the graveyard" and you'll begin to notice examples of it.

jeff f

New Member
she was an advocate of the total deregulation of water works in Ca. imagine water distribution as a for profit venture as supply is declining and demand is rising. a gold-mine at the expense of EVERYBODY in the west.


if this happened, deregulation, it would fix cali water problems. people would see profit potential, would take advantage and bring more companies into the water business. entreprenuers would figure out how to make more water cheaper. maybe desalinization, maybe build dams, maybe rainwater catch basins...who knows. but the long term trend would be more water cheaper.

by the govt jumping in, whatever the status quo will continue. subsidizing water bills doesnt give you more water. it scares business away from getting involved. dont believe me? ask anyone who has ever contracted for the federal govt.

just for your info, most states have private water companies and dont have issues with water.

jeff f

New Member
Illegal Smiles won't get it but this is the truth.

Take a poll here on the legalization of marijuana and it will not represent the rest of society. Take a poll at church, same thing. Take a poll calling people at home and again it's only a certain segment of society they'll reach, with something in common to start with.

"80% of fat stay at home moms who weren't on the telemarketers blocked caller list and who actually answered the phone and weren't smart enough to screen their calls first and who don't even own a phone with caller ID and who were in a good enough mood and polite enough to talk to pollsters not too busy to take our calls and then actually did the poll said:"

Wow, that's going to be really accurate.
while you may not agree with polls, politicians base every single decision on them. so if you want to beat a poll, you have to educate people. when americans are exposed to the actual data and costs etc, they are smart enough to see the forest through the trees. unless your a lib, then you just totally ignore facts, and make your decisions based on feelings not facts.


Well-Known Member
"while you may not agree with polls, politicians base every single decision on them."

Do you really believe they care more about public opinion than anything else? Really?