• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

health care bill passes, ...

he continues... "The result is that since 1970, the number of physicians has increased by less than 200% while the number of administrators has increased by 3000%. It is no wonder that 31 cents of every health care dollar goes to administrative costs, not toward providing care. Even those with insurance are at risk. The single biggest cause of bankruptcies in the U.S. is health insurance policies that do not cover you when you get sick.

“But instead of working toward the elimination of for-profit insurance, H.R. 3962 would put the government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health care. In H.R. 3962, the government is requiring at least 21 million Americans to buy private health insurance from the very industry that causes costs to be so high, which will result in at least $70 billion in new annual revenue, much of which is coming from taxpayers. This inevitably will lead to even more costs, more subsidies, and higher profits for insurance companies — a bailout under a blue cross.An amendment which would have protected the rights of states to pursue single-payer health care was stripped from the bill at the request of the Administration.
[Representative Eric Massa is voting no on the health care bill, "damn it, no matter what the outside consequences or what Barack Obama says".

"The president of the United States is coming to Capitol Hill tomorrow morning on a Saturday, to meet in groups and individually with members of Congress. I anticipate that I will be called into a room to discuss my position with him, and my position has not and will not change," Massa said on a conference call with reporters. "My vote on H.R. 3962 will be no."]
John Barrow

On Friday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee completed its markup of HR 3200, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act." I received a great deal of feedback from all sides of the issue leading up to my decision to vote against what the committee produced. I would like to take this opportunity to discuss that decision.

As I said in my opening statement at the House Energy and Commerce Committee markup of this bill two weeks ago, "I am committed to passing health care reform that lowers costs and improves quality for all Americans." I'm still committed to that goal, which is why I could not support the bill that came out of the committee this week. The bill does not do enough to bring health care costs under control, and it puts too much of the cost of covering the uninsured on the backs of people who are already paying for their own insurance. It also puts too much on the backs of small businesses that can't afford it.

We also don't know how much this plan is going to cost. The Congressional Budget Office was not able to score the bill in time for the vote. As a true fiscal conservative, I could not vote for a program this big without the best estimate of how much it will cost. That also makes it harder to figure out how we're going to pay for it. In the end, reform we can't afford to pay for is reform that can't realistically happen.

These are all reasons why I think it was not wise to rush this bill through the markup process just to get it done before the August District Work Period. The committee, and the whole country, would have benefited from another month to read the entire bill, understand its ramifications, and make the bill better. In the rush to produce something before we left town, we didn't even have time to vote on all of the offered amendments. Instead, we'll vote on the remaining 60 or so amendments when we get back in September, which is when we should have continued working on the bill in its entirety. I can't understand voting on a bill that will be changed by amendments that hadn't been voted on yet.

The good news is this is just one more step in a process that has many more steps to go, and there will be more opportunities to make the bill better. I plan on using my time back home to talk to as many folks as I can to figure out what's best for the folks I represent. Ultimately, my loyalty to the interests of the people of the 12th District of Georgia comes before any party or coalition.

U.S. Rep. John Barrow, D-Ga., is congressman for the 12th District, which includes Effingham County.



Well-Known Member
The private health care companies could have voluntarily solved the problem on their own but what did they do? They told lies and created Tea Baggers. Haul me to Heaven and Keely are shils for these companies. Keep up the good work Cloud City and Haul me to Heaven keep copying and pasting your bullshit. I find it very amusing.
Hey so you don't like our country, you hate our President, and you don't want healthcare reform. That makes you an un-American piece of shit.. Why not pack up and leave already? Just get the fuck out of our country if you don't like it here!!!!!!!
Just posting what the dems are saying about what the other Dems voted for.

This proves you don't read the posts!

All you do is hate those you hate. And ruin threads. Seek help you have a mental and an emotional problem. No matter... You'll be gone tomorrow Clown City!!!

Bye Bye!!

Cloud City

New Member
Just posting what the dems are saying about what the other Dems voted for.

This proves you don't read the posts!

All you do is hate those you hate. And ruin threads. Seek help you have a mental and an emotional problem. No matter... You'll be gone tomorrow Clown City!!!

Bye Bye!!

Hey what about our tea party in Aspen this December!? I'll be in Colorado at the end of the month... Let me know, you can even bring your white supremacist buddies, Ill bring the tea.


hmm interesting

there is another thread on this, but just to seal any doubts

“H.R. 3962 provides that an individual (or a husband and wife in the case of a joint return) who does not, at any time during the taxable year, maintain acceptable health insurance coverage for himself or herself and each of his or her qualifying children is subject to an additional tax.” [page 1]
– - – - – - – - – -
“If the government determines that the taxpayer’s unpaid tax liability results from willful behavior, the following penalties could apply…” [page 2]
– - – - – - – - – -
“Criminal penalties
Prosecution is authorized under the Code for a variety of offenses. Depending on the level of the noncompliance, the following penalties could apply to an individual:
• Section 7203 – misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
• Section 7201 – felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]

right from the horses mouth


Well-Known Member
Did we ever imagine it would have these kinds of financial restrictions? From the many proponents for national healthcare I have spoken with, they believed that the healthcare bill was designed to provide coverage based on an increase in tax, just like all the other countries with socialized medicine. This is not that. This is a financial push into our lives.

those numbers you quoted (Betsy McCaughey is a liar, by the way) are the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM limits on what people would possibly pay under this legislation. For a family of four who makes $30,000 per year, the premium would cost $1,100 PER YEAR out-of-pocket after subsidies and cost sharing credits.

Caps on premiums are as a percentage of income, with the maximum being 12% of adjusted gross income for a person who makes 100,000 dollars per year.

Under the current system, a family of four can expect to pay upwards of $12,000 per year just in premiums in the individual market for very basic coverage (IF they can manage to qualify at all) - no matter what their income.

This bill LOWERS out-of-pocket costs for the average person/family, keeps insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions and dropping coverage when you get sick.

The "public option" is NOT socialized health care, and is funded using PREMIUMS paid by enrollees, just like private insurance. If that's a "financial push into our lives" then it's the same push the private insurance companies use to stay in in the business of denying care to increase profits.


Well-Known Member
Just posting what the dems are saying about what the other Dems voted for.

This proves you don't read the posts!

All you do is hate those you hate. And ruin threads. Seek help you have a mental and an emotional problem. No matter... You'll be gone tomorrow Clown City!!!

Bye Bye!!
Kucinich supports a "socialized" single-payer system. He proposed a single-payer amendment for this bill that was supposed to be voted on by the House, but he got shafted. That's why he didn't vote for it, and why several other progressive democrats didn't vote for it. It wasn't taking a big enough step towards their goal of single-payer health care, not because it's "government intrusion" into our lives.
If you think you can trust any Law that those in Washington DeCeit propose- you will need a good lawyer. It takes a long time to right a bill that allowes you to believe that you are on solid ground when - in the law- you are guilty of standing on air.

Just look at what them dems who voted NO have to say as to WHY THEY voted NO.

It's just blatant control and major Taxation!

Read all that I posted and then tell me how this will help people and NOT the big insurance companies.
Just another scam from Uncle Scam and Company.


i was going to stay out of it but do any of you pay for your own medical insurance. i do and have for many years also paid for emploies. i would like to hear from others who have direct exp. i feel as though ive am living an extortion nightmare. i would damn near rather deal with the guys who use more direct tactics for extortion than insurance co at least with old school you can know were you stand and whats expected of you. I cant understand what is contraversal about universal health care. we pay for every total rip off and get left with nothing but debt and suffering when its done. am i a minoraty in my situation and perspective. we feel as though no matter what happens that it will always be about ripping us off. i have watched as good people lost there health and all they worked damn hard for. as a pessamist im totally amazed that they havent killed the bill yet and i expect that whatever comes from the criminals in charge will serv the ripoff more than the citazen. i need to shut up and grow but maybe somone has a posative perspective for me if not im done here
i was going to stay out of it but do any of you pay for your own medical insurance. i do and have for many years also paid for emploies. i would like to hear from others who have direct exp. i feel as though ive am living an extortion nightmare. i would damn near rather deal with the guys who use more direct tactics for extortion than insurance co at least with old school you can know were you stand and whats expected of you. I cant understand what is contraversal about universal health care. we pay for every total rip off and get left with nothing but debt and suffering when its done. am i a minoraty in my situation and perspective. we feel as though no matter what happens that it will always be about ripping us off. i have watched as good people lost there health and all they worked damn hard for. as a pessamist im totally amazed that they havent killed the bill yet and i expect that whatever comes from the criminals in charge will serv the ripoff more than the citazen. i need to shut up and grow but maybe somone has a posative perspective for me if not im done here
Well, you can't polish a terd. You can't even put lip stick on it. You can try if you want but it will still reek.

We quit hiring employees years and years ago due to all the taxation. We hired independents and paid them better wages than making them employees.
Now thats pretty much dead.

Every business in America is going to have to raise their prices through the roof if this bill becomes law.
And countless people will loss theeir jobs due to the crunch on business.

These are just a bunch of idiots in action.

We can't taker four years of this kind of madness. It will kill America.

Watch the media whitewash the damn effects of what the house just sent up hill.


okay your in almost the same situation as i and are sinical like me so i know im not alone thank you. i will continue to dabble a little but cant really get more negative we have enough of that as i am decaying with med. issues and must try to be posative, so im glad to see that there is somthing even if its wrong being done


im not diggin this health care shit!!!!!! from what i have gatherd they say you can be fined and jailed for not rolling along with it. and the cost is gonna be huge to set this shit in motion!!! what a waste of money
okay your in almost the same situation as i and are sinical like me so i know im not alone thank you. i will continue to dabble a little but cant really get more negative we have enough of that as i am decaying with med. issues and must try to be posative, so im glad to see that there is somthing even if its wrong being done
Okay! Heres the good news!

We've been talking about what THEY, our public servants have been doing; heres what we are doing!

We are uniting in an unprecedented way!
The mass majority of people in America DO NOT WANT government run health care. That is a government/Fed /Press PR campaign.
They have been wanting this- not the people!
We wanted Tort Reform and Gov regulations on the conduct of big insurance.
They said- 'Okay, we'll give you national Health care!" We said "No way"
And they, like spoiled brat children dod not listen to us when we said no!

We will stop the out-of-comtrol Government.

Never before in the history of this nation have so many people woke up at the same time.
Have hope!
Don't trust people in office to do what they say they are going to do.
Don't trust 'weather reports'.
Trust the goodness of God toward the decent men and women on the earth!
Decent people are the Children of God!
Wash your self in the blood of his knowledge and love to all his children.


Well-Known Member
im not diggin this health care shit!!!!!! from what i have gatherd they say you can be fined and jailed for not rolling along with it. and the cost is gonna be huge to set this shit in motion!!! what a waste of money
And it's one more way for the government to control our lives. Just wait. This is gonna be bad if it passes the senate. This is a sad day for America and it will be even sadder if the senate passes it. I'm convinced that Obama is going to use every ounce of political muscle he can muster up to get this passed. We need to stand up and voice our displeasure for what's happening in Washington. This is wrong, it's just wrong.