Here's a few photos I took a few days ago with my phone. Sorry about the HPS pic, the flash wasn't firing correctly, and don't have adequate light with the grow lamp off.
First one is my Blueberry x Afghani #1 strain (I call it Spiceberry), the second is a female Sour Diesel. I think these pics were taken a day or two after they went into flower. Both are six week veg (usually I do eight, but not for seed plants). Both of them will be pollinated with Sour Diesel pollen that's starting to drop today.
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Here's one of the underside of the canopy in my breeding flower tent. Again, sorry about the HPS. 4x4x7' tent, 600W HPS, four plants each in a 3 gallon pot. Sour D is front left, the Spiceberry is front right. In back, I've got two more Spiceberry plants that are about week 3-1/2 flower (at the time).
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I'll try to snap some decent pictures of my other (production) areas this afternoon as I said. I run it the same way as this configuration, except it has a 1kW lamp as opposed to the 600, and the plants in there veg for eight weeks, not six.