Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?


Well-Known Member
Well shit, that's news to me.. I guess that means I can stop sending my health insurance company my hard earned money every month. Because if anyone can just get medical care for free why not right. lol. Yeah sure, maybe if I was homeless or dirt poor then that might be a realistic way to get healthcare. The hospitals will stick you with a 30,000 dollar bill if you're uninsured. They will take your home if they have to. There are a shitload of regular folks who have had bad accidents or illnesses and because they didn't have insurance they got stuck with a massve bill.
They can't take your home to pay for medical costs either, its against the law.

If you are homeless and they take your home, do they take your cardboard box?

Cloud City

New Member
If you're uninsured and refuse to pay your bill they can and will take your home, car, or whatever else of value you have.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever NOT paid a bill? thats how you get free health care. Even if you have been billed 10 million dollars worth of services that hospital still cannot turn you away for treatment. You get it for free and the rest of the shmucks each pay a little extra on their payment to cover those who don't pay. Its not going to be any different when the gubbermint gets involved, only they are going to take it out of your paycheck whether or not you go to see the doctor.
so you saying I should just drop my health coverage and just go into a hospital and then never pay a bill and that would be better then just giving us Health Care For All :wall:


Well-Known Member
so you saying I should just drop my health coverage and just go into a hospital and then never pay a bill and that would be better then just giving us Health Care For All :wall:
There we go with that straw man logic again. I never said for anyone to do that, but there ARE people who do do that kind of thing or did you not know that?


Well-Known Member
If you're uninsured and refuse to pay your bill they can and will take your home, car, or whatever else of value you have.
there are states that have laws against this, but yes doob, by using the legal system they could eventually get a Lien on your home in other states without those laws. You can legally get around this by giving your house away to a relative free of charge. that relative could then rent you the use of the house for say like $1 per month. or some other ridiculous but totally legal loophole could be used to help you keep your home. And if you have no equity or are underwater on your mortgage, sure what the hell why not let the hospital have the house and they can make all those wonderful million dollar house payments for a $120,000 home. Fight fire with Fire.

It doesn't normally come to this if you are willing to negotiate with the hospital, one of my old roommates got a $37,000 bill nearly completely paid for by charitable causes and the fact that he made a big stink about how much more he was getting billed than what an insured person would have gotten billed for the same services and had it reduced to $11,500.

The hospital administrators do not sit up in penthouse offices coming up with schemes on how to make the patient pay ever more money to the hospital you know. They are people like you and me.


Well-Known Member
There we go with that straw man logic again. I never said for anyone to do that, but there ARE people who do do that kind of thing or did you not know that?
Hey Aunt Sally stop setting up stupid example that you know will only get knock the phuck down...And no personally I don't know people who do that....The people I know try to pay all their bills ( unless they doing something I don't know ), but I guess that's how you again it would be cheaper for me in the long run to just give everyone Health Care For All so I don't have to keep paying for people like yourself who just go to the hospital and then never pay your bill jeeezzzzzz:wall:

Cloud City

New Member
so you saying I should just drop my health coverage and just go into a hospital and then never pay a bill and that would be better then just giving us Health Care For All :wall:

No shit eh!!! :fire:I'll bet none of these guys who think everyone can get free health care at the ER have ever done so themselves.


Well-Known Member
No shit eh!!! :fire:I'll bet none of these guys who think everyone can get free health care at the ER have ever done so themselves.
Hospitals don't turn people away. That is the argument that is being thrown about by the supporters of healthcare reform. I never said they weren't going to send you the bill. You can file for bankruptcy which in most cases completely erases the debt. In most states they can't take your house or your primary means of transportation. They can garnish your wages but can only take 25% of your gross pay each pay period. Student loans cannot be written off through bankruptcy. These are federal student loans we're talking about here. If the government takes over healthcare it's only a matter of time before they add medical bills to the list of things that can't be written off through bankruptcy. In states where laws don't protect you from losing your home (I'm not aware of any) if you have a mortgage they can't take the home from the bank. And as NoDrama pointed out there are simple measures you can take which are totally legal to protect your assets.


Well-Known Member is this guy lost or what....He says go to the hospital and then don't pay your bill..then you can file for that suppose to be a good thing:wall:....WTF ..much easier and cheaper to just give HEALTH CARE FOR ALL....

Cloud City

New Member
You can legally get around this by giving your house away to a relative free of charge. that relative could then rent you the use of the house for say like $1 per month. or some other ridiculous but totally legal loophole could be used to help you keep your home.

:dunce: And then you can never own anything again the rest of your life or get a loan..

I never said they weren't going to send you the bill. You can file for bankruptcy which in most cases completely erases the debt.

:dunce: :wall:

Now after reading through all of these tired and weak points and some of the other posts from you two it makes me wonder if the only reason you all oppose health care reform is because when it passes it will make President Obama and the Democrats look very good to the average American. Now its time for everyone to put down their anti President Obama kool-aid and actually read through and reflect upon some of the silly horsepuckey before you decide to post it.


Well-Known Member
:dunce: And then you can never own anything again the rest of your life or get a loan..

:dunce: :wall:

Now after reading through all of these tired and weak points and some of the other posts from you two it makes me wonder if the only reason you all oppose health care reform is because when it passes it will make President Obama and the Democrats look very good to the average American. Now its time for everyone to put down their anti President Obama kool-aid and actually read through and reflect upon some of the silly horsepuckey before you decide to post it.
AMEN......People actually opposing health care.. What ever happened to "Mankind" should be "Manevil" with some ...."humankind" - "humanevil"


Well-Known Member
:dunce: And then you can never own anything again the rest of your life or get a loan..

:dunce: :wall:

Now after reading through all of these tired and weak points and some of the other posts from you two it makes me wonder if the only reason you all oppose health care reform is because when it passes it will make President Obama and the Democrats look very good to the average American. Now its time for everyone to put down their anti President Obama kool-aid and actually read through and reflect upon some of the silly horsepuckey before you decide to post it.
Obviously you've never met anyone who's been through bankruptcy. It's not that big of a deal. I'm not advocating that people don't pay their bills, but sometimes you don't have a choice. If someone gets a serious illness and has no health insurance do ya think they are gonna say "Oh well, I guess I'm going to die since I don't have health insurance." Hell no. They are going to get treated and worry about the financial fallout later on. Bottom line is that socialized medicine is not the American way. It's yet another way for the government to control another aspect of my life and I, for one, don't like the idea of the government having more power over me. Freedom comes with responsibility. That is what America is about, not this entitlement that you libs seem to think the government owes you something.

Cloud City

New Member
That is what America is about, not this entitlement that you libs seem to think the government owes you something.

Theres where you're wrong again. It's not just "libs" who want health care reform, its the majority of average Americans of all political persuasions from the Liberals to the far right Conservatives like myself and others who did not even vote for President Obama yet still support what hes doing to make America better. Healthcare reform is about doing something for the greater good of this country. It will be a great thing for many people when it passes. I plan to take advantage of the public OPTION myself when it becomes available.


New Member
Theres where you're wrong again. It's not just "libs" who want health care reform, its the majority of average Americans of all political persuasions from the Liberals to the far right Conservatives like myself and others who did not even vote for President Obama yet still support what hes doing to make America better. Healthcare reform is about doing something for the greater good of this country. It will be a great thing for many people when it passes. I plan to take advantage of the public OPTION myself when it becomes available.

Aren't you the guy who continually states that you're a conservative? Don't conservatives believe in individual responsibility, a limited central government chained by the Constitution, free minds, free markets and individual liberty?

Don't conservatives believe in the God given right to life, liberty and property? Isn't taking property (the fruit of one's labors) from one group by force, to give to another group, theft? Don't conservatives believe theft is immoral?

Don't conservatives believe in a representative republican form of government whereby the government's legitimate function is to protect the minority from the majority?

What say you, Cloud City?
i always thought it was so overwhelming that a country that contributes the most to its pharmecuticals, can be so far behind

like 20% of america's GDP is spent on health, and yet 40 million people are without basic care, regardless i think something needs to be done and it is apparent that a private run health care is not working

not to compare but aus only spends like 8% and everyone has full health care

Cloud City

New Member
Aren't you the guy who continually states that you're a conservative? Don't conservatives believe in individual responsibility, a limited central government chained by the Constitution, free minds, free markets and individual liberty?

Don't conservatives believe in the God given right to life, liberty and property? Isn't taking property (the fruit of one's labors) from one group by force, to give to another group, theft? Don't conservatives believe theft is immoral?

Don't conservatives believe in a representative republican form of government whereby the government's legitimate function is to protect the minority from the majority?

What say you, Cloud City?

You must not know very many real Conservatives.

Illegal Smile

Everyone seems to forget that this was first called mediacal insurance reform. That is, until democrats ran focus groups and discovered that healthcare reform got a more positive response. But everyone knows this is NOT healthcare reform. Healthcare in this country does not need reform, it is the best in the world.

The attempted reform is about who pays for this best healthcare. Insurance reform is much more accurate if not as popular. Nothing congress does will create more healthcare or change the cost much. I just went through two years of insane bureaucracy getting my sister in law, who worked as an RN for 40 years, on Social Security Disability. THAT is the kind of governemnt nightmare we will have to go throughto get treatment when we need it.

It is only common sense that when you begin to give something away for free there will be less of it available and it will have to be rationed. Government apparatchiks will tell you what you get and when you get it. I know. I was a top administrator in a large state's medicaid program. I know what is coming and it is very ugly. The only good news is that if it passes it will be so ugly that it will be repealed in a few years and sweep republicans into power.


Well-Known Member
Everyone seems to forget that this was first called mediacal insurance reform. That is, until democrats ran focus groups and discovered that healthcare reform got a more positive response. But everyone knows this is NOT healthcare reform. Healthcare in this country does not need reform, it is the best in the world.

The attempted reform is about who pays for this best healthcare. Insurance reform is much more accurate if not as popular. Nothing congress does will create more healthcare or change the cost much. I just went through two years of insane bureaucracy getting my sister in law, who worked as an RN for 40 years, on Social Security Disability. THAT is the kind of governemnt nightmare we will have to go throughto get treatment when we need it.

It is only common sense that when you begin to give something away for free there will be less of it available and it will have to be rationed. Government apparatchiks will tell you what you get and when you get it. I know. I was a top administrator in a large state's medicaid program. I know what is coming and it is very ugly. The only good news is that if it passes it will be so ugly that it will be repealed in a few years and sweep republicans into power.
Aaaah! Thank you! Some don't seem to understand what a bureaucracy is or what it means to something like healthcare. It's not going to be the answer that everyone thinks it is. If so I would be the first in line to sign up. I'm not just some cold hearted prick who likes to see people suffer. My life's work has been spent helping people of all walks of life. If I felt this would make things better I would be all for it. I am almost certain it will make things worse. My father always used to say to me "Be careful what you wish might just get it."


i feel a special resentment every time i hear from people feel that they like there heath care scam i have paid for my own and employies as well for years and now that i need it they deny coverage and as of 2 days ago they decided that i dont have income to pay for it, they have terminated a 15yr customer who has never paid late and has been good to them. so if you enjoy being screwd thats your own stupidity. they only have heath care as a political issue its a talking point and thats all. fits there own twisted agenda somhow