Healthiest Way to Smoke?


Active Member
I realize that there are probably tons of threads on this topic but I had some specific questions. I know that the obvious answer is going to vape, but I'm going to rule that one out because technically, you're not actually smoking it. Half the enjoyment for me is the art of smoking it. But anyway, other than vape, what would it be and why? I have heard bong, and I have head bubbler. Then there are those who say water pieces are worse for you. So which is it, because I am trying to decide what piece I should get.


Active Member
Bong would be the way to go imo. Bubblers don't hold enough water usually to make an effective filter from what I've read. Of course I got that info from Jerome Baker Designs so it may be a bit biased lol


Well-Known Member
I own every kind of method of smoking weed.
Honestly my vaporizer is the best. It gets me super high, and I don't have to smoke as much.


Well-Known Member
vape hands down is the healthiest way to toke. The temp. does not get high enough to burn other harmful chemicals in mary. I have a noticed a huge diff. since I switched to my vape as my primary smoking source.

I read an article that put the safest in this order

solar smoking- using the sun to lite pipes and bongs.
Joint- does not inhale butane when smoking


Well-Known Member
Vapes are whats good.

If your talking about actual burning of the bud then yeah i'd go with bong.

Just bought a custom bubbler things tiny cost 200 bucks. I love it.

And not so least my favorite method of smoking, dutches. They are bad from you. Im addicted to dutches


Active Member
While I agree that vape would be the best choice, it's not nearly as enjoyable for me to suck on a tube. Plus, the whole awkward "yo man, pass that whip" It just doesn't feel as relaxed. But I guess that's just me.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that vape would be the best choice, it's not nearly as enjoyable for me to suck on a tube. Plus, the whole awkward "yo man, pass that whip" It just doesn't feel as relaxed. But I guess that's just me.
I have a V-Tower Extreme vaporizer, I prefer using the bag method.
Sometimes I'll fill up a few bags and put them in the freezer for an hour or so.
I can take huge hits when it's cold, plus the high is totally cerebral.


Well-Known Member
my vote goes to bong as well. since you can get all sorts of crazy things for it that filter it more. like an ashcatcher, and also if your bong has percs then that will filter the smoke even more