I'm trolling a few members in my first grow journal...I got told I was such a newbie that I should have thrown this exact garden away....because they didn't think you should defoliate and train plants.....I'm on my first grow...Glad I didn't listen! Thank you I'm out here trying to get quality medz on the low low!
Hey, What is your opinion on defoliation during flower... There's ton's of post about this...but I read somewhere that after doing a lab testing there isn't much Noticeable difference in the lower buds then the upper buds AND that buds shaded by leaves grow just as fast...in fact, it's actually more beneficial to keep all the leaves during flower and let the plant naturally kick the leaves that aren't getting enough light and self cannibalize it. This provides a buffer for mistakes and more likely to stay green until right before harvest. What are your thoughts?