Heartbreak storys

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
I'll share real quick before I gotta get back to tool time... The girlfriend I had before my wife was my first real girlfriend since high school. My first real world girlfriend if you will. We went out for almost 2 years. From the very start she did things that made me uncomfortable such as working with her ex and just being all around stupid. At about the year and a half mark she got reacquainted with a friend from high school that joined the marines. Long story short one night at a party they were at together they ended up fucking. I knew something had gone down because she wouldn't answer her phone, women always have their phone. When I asked her point blank to her face the next day she looked right into my eyes and assured me nothing had happened. Acouple weeks went by all the while still knowing in the back of my mind she had cheated on me. Finally one night her best friend, whom I had become very good friends with, spilled the beans because she was jealous. I confronted her we both cried alot and decided to try to make it work. It didn't. I just couldn't trust her anymore. I broke up with her and didn't see her for acouple weeks. She still called me all the time wanting to get back together, so I finally caved in and told her to come check out my new apartment. She was very fragile, so I banged her one last time and told her I never wanted to see her again. And I didn't. I shattered her world like she had shattered mine. That was 6 years ago. I would still get random drunk text messages from her up until about 2 years ago. lol. Now I have my wife, the best woman I've ever met, and I couldn't be happier...the end
cheers for shareing everyone has a story im happy it worked out great


Well-Known Member
She was very fragile, so I banged her one last time and told her I never wanted to see her again. And I didn't. I shattered her world like she had shattered mine
and people like u wonder why shitty things happen to them, turns out u had it coming in the 1st place because u had the "scumbag" in u all along. glad u found someone to put up w/u

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
This is what happens when a bitch starts getting shady with me. (in relation to my post on the first page) I stop caring about them. Then they realize that and all they want is my attention. NOPE. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Just look at the time stamps. Persistent.
