Heat Exchanger(Ice Box) with municiple water supply


Has anyone tried this? Im trying to build a grow room and I want to use the Ice Box to cool my room(air sealed room), but the main issue that is preventing me is the cost of the chiller. Has anyone tried hooking one up to a municple water supply to cool their room instead of using a chiller? Im in socal and the tap water is generally cold, but I dont know if it will be cold enough.



I dont have a thermometer =/ How far underground typically are the municiple water supply pipes?(curiosity for insulations sake)

Also does anyone forsee any problems with a supply to the municiple line? I would think water would be much cheaper than electricity...


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Not sure but the water bill was the first thing too come to mind. Is geo thermal an option?


New Member
I don't think it will work. I use Ice Boxes in several of my grows and we keep chiller temps around 50 degrees. Your municipal water is probably around 68 and that's on the cold side. If you are running only 1 IceBox you could get away with a cheap EcoPlus Chiller and you may not have to throw down for those Chillking ones.


Are eco plus low or bad quality? The 1Hp seems cheaper than I last remember. One Ice box suggests 1/3 hp right?


New Member
Are eco plus low or bad quality? The 1Hp seems cheaper than I last remember. One Ice box suggests 1/3 hp right?
They aren't necessarily cheap, they just aren't rated as high as those Chillking Chillers. Meaning they won't cool as much equipment. I would say your 1/3 ratio is close but that can be drastically affected by the size of your room; what else is in your room; distance of your tubing runs; location of your chiller reservoir; etc.