heat issues even with cooltube, help veryy much needed :/


i have a grow cab that is 2'x3'x4' high. 250 watt hps. 2x4" 80 cfm exhaust/intake inline fans. i thaught that the cooltube would bring my temps down but they are 100-110 degrees farenheit! im going to use co2 so i only need it to get down to around 90 degrees. do i need a more powerful inline fan? or use a window ac somehow. any help would be greatly appreciated


i was thinking of adding a 6" inline fan at the topwith some passive intake holes. any thaughts on this predicament?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
it sounds like you need to open up the space or just go to a bigger closet with that light and make that cab the mother/clone closet


i was thinking of adding a 6" inline fan at the topwith some passive intake holes. any thaughts on this predicament?
maybe you should consider running a reverse cycle and have the plants sleep during the day.

I have a 3x5x7 grow tent with 2 400w lights in 6" cooltubes only 3" away from the plants and temps are usually a solid 75 degrees.

I intake to the tent from a window and exhaust out another window. gotta love that high CO2 city air :)

It sounds like you need alot more air movement. I use a 6" can-fan but you could use a 4" can fan.

your thinking about adding a 6" inline on top? so what fans are you running thru the cooltube and where is the exhaust from it going?


thanks for the input, ill have to keep thinking of solutions. do you think if i had my exhaust going into a window ac unit and the cool air going back into the intake will work? just a thaught of mine. my box is in the garage and there is currently no ac of any kind and im low on cash :/


thanks for the input, ill have to keep thinking of solutions. do you think if i had my exhaust going into a window ac unit and the cool air going back into the intake will work? just a thaught of mine. my box is in the garage and there is currently no ac of any kind and im low on cash :/

if i understand you correctly, yeah that would probably fix the heat issue but couldn't replace proper ventilation. your plants need fresh air exchange. why not just have the exhaust go out the window? do you live in a really hot climate?


i live in chicago suburbs and it gets pretty hot but not too bad. the venting out the window seems like a good idea but id be worried aboutt detection from the infrared cause the cops around here are pretty crazy and have nothing better to do. i am thinking of venting it into the attic and possibly finding a cheap window ac unit on craigslist for the garage and that might help some cause the passive intake could have colder air to pull in. do you think that the two 4 inch 80 cfm fans are enough to cool my diy cooltube with a 250w hps/mh conversion?


im gonna go pick up the 6 inch duct booster fan cause its the only type i can get, it should help. not sure if im gonna use that to exhaust the cab or the cooltube, but im leaning towards the cooltube. what do yall think? thanks for any help, im a noob and it seems like there is a hang up every step of the way for my first real grow :/


Active Member
dont use the duct boosters. that sounds like your problem. get a vortex 4" inline fan, they're cheaper then can fans


fixed the heat problem with 6" inline fan and four 1" passive inatke holes. temps now between 78 and 85, way better than 100-110. not as stealthy but its only temporary. thanks for the advice