Heat/Light Stress


Well-Known Member
I think ive checked out every trouble shooting thing there is and almost positive that it's light stress. However it's not like I have an extremely strong light set up. I only have 3 60 watt daylight cfls for a garbage can grow box with two plants in it. Temps are usually around the 80s. Ive been just running one light the past couple days and it seems like theyre looking healthier but I wanted someone elses opinion.


Well-Known Member
Could be the reflection coming up from underneath...you could take that out of play for awhile, are you feeding nutes? If so, make sure you don't splash leaves when pouring...they look pretty good to me tho


Well-Known Member
for water I just sit tap water in the grow box so all the chlorine and chemicals evaporate. Last time I measured it was 7 dead on. Soil was too salty I think when I had them in solo cups but I repotted a few days and flushed the soil this time and added some peat moss to loosen it up so it should be fine now. All the nutrient levels were good and ph was around 6 or 6.5. Everytime I think I find what the problem is theres a reason that it shouldn't be that problem im just kinda lost at this point


Well-Known Member
Could be the reflection coming up from underneath...you could take that out of play for awhile, are you feeding nutes? If so, make sure you don't splash leaves when pouring...they look pretty good to me tho
No nutes yet and true that's a good point about the reflection I never thought of that. im sure plants probably aren't meant to get light shined on the underside of their leaves

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I think the plant is not happy with the soil. Does this bucket have ventilation? What are you using for soil?


Well-Known Member
Nope the closest bulb was about 5 inches away but it does look like that
Hmm, I've been using CFL's for 2 years...and still burn mine on occasion when not paying attention. Younger plants tend to grow right into bulbs.

The mylar underneath is not causing it, if plants responded negatively to light from below...nothing would grow near water.


Well-Known Member
Yea i have holes poked in the bottom and on the sides really low. My soil is from my compost and mixed with some peat moss to loosen it up. I made sure to flush and test it.

Good point about the water sunbiz and ive started to notice that with the cfl's ive backed them way off theyre now almost a foot away

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I think like the first guy, soil and water problems, and possibly some ventilation problems. These plants show no signs of strecthing. If anything they appear to be runting.


Well-Known Member
No nutes yet and true that's a good point about the reflection I never thought of that. im sure plants probably aren't meant to get light shined on the underside of their leaves
The brown spots are from the plant is eating itself... it needs some very light nutes. Also, the deep ridges in the leaves and that wrinkly look is a sign of heat stress. The heat is causing the plant to transpire at max speed (which is why the plant is eating itself, looking for nutrient energy) and it's stressing out because of it. Try an get the temp down as close to 75 as you can. Trust me, I learned about both these situations the hard way.


Well-Known Member
I think like the first guy, soil and water problems, and possibly some ventilation problems. These plants show no signs of strecthing. If anything they appear to be runting.
Alright thanks must be water since i tested the soil and everything was at a good level. Guess I should finally buy some distilled water


Well-Known Member
The brown spots are from the plant is eating itself... it needs some very light nutes. Also, the deep ridges in the leaves and that wrinkly look is a sign of heat stress. The heat is causing the plant to transpire at max speed and it's stressing out because of it. Try an get the temp down as close to 75 as you can. Trust me, I learned about both these situations the hard way.
Good to know I'll add some next time i water which should be soon and added some frozen rags in the box to cool it down


Well-Known Member
Yea i have holes poked in the bottom and on the sides really low. My soil is from my compost and mixed with some peat moss to loosen it up. I made sure to flush and test it.

Good point about the water sunbiz and ive started to notice that with the cfl's ive backed them way off theyre now almost a foot away
That's too far away, unless you are running a ton of CFL's. I use 24-actual 42 watt mixed spectrum...that being both 2700 and 6000K. When you exceed over 1,000 actual CFL watts, then they need to be placed a foot away.

What I am trying to do is isolate your problem via process of elimination. It isn't lighting, so must be either your medium or perhaps insect/fungal etc.

I'll guess medium, that compost may be a bit too hot for young plants.


Well-Known Member
The brown spots are from the plant is eating itself... it needs some very light nutes. Also, the deep ridges in the leaves and that wrinkly look is a sign of heat stress. The heat is causing the plant to transpire at max speed (which is why the plant is eating itself, looking for nutrient energy) and it's stressing out because of it. Try an get the temp down as close to 75 as you can. Trust me, I learned about both these situations the hard way.
Eating itself?.

And here I was thinking there was nothing new under the sun.


Well-Known Member
That's too far away, unless you are running a ton of CFL's. I use 24-actual 42 watt mixed spectrum...that being both 2700 and 6000K. When you exceed over 1,000 actual CFL watts, then they need to be placed a foot away.

What I am trying to do is isolate your problem via process of elimination. It isn't lighting, so must be either your medium or perhaps insect/fungal etc.

I'll guess medium, that compost may be a bit too hot for young plants.
That's what i was starting to think too but what Gquebed said makes a lot of sense and plus hes going from experience

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If you are going to buy water get spring water for your plants. There are threads on what type of spring water works the best. Unlike RO and distilled water the micronutients are not removed from some brands of bottled spring water. Unfortunatly so many people complained about a little weed cropping up in their store bought soils that manufacturers have taken steps to ensure that only their flowers grow and these unexpected little weed plants don't crop up. I've also found that with soil mj prefers a rocky sandy like soil which has good drainage compared to composted soils. Most composted soils have poor drainage and mj prefers more frequent wet and dry periods than most composted soils have to offer.


Well-Known Member
That's what i was starting to think too but what Gquebed said makes a lot of sense and plus hes going from experience
I know, that's why I just took a look at some of his/her work...and now you are probably confused.

I see some yellowing in one photo near a leaf tip, which is an indication of too much N. A lack of N will show up as yellowing between the veins on leaves, your pics do not show this.

What exactly is that medium of yours?, straight compost mixed with peat is too hot...and peat has to be PH adjusted. I use peat, mixed with lime...then add compost and granular nutes.


Well-Known Member
I know, that's why I just took a look at some of his/her work...and now you are probably confused.

I see some yellowing in one photo near a leaf tip, which is an indication of too much N. A lack of N will show up as yellowing between the veins on leaves, your pics do not show this.

What exactly is that medium of yours?, straight compost mixed with peat is too hot...and peat has to be PH adjusted. I use peat, mixed with lime...then add compost and granular nutes.
oh I see what you're saying and I'm thinking you're right. I read somewhere grinded up eggshells can be used in place of lime so you think if I do that it'll balance everything?