Ok to begin:
Convection is the movement of molecules within
fluids (i.e.
gases and
rheids). It cannot take place in solids, since neither bulk current flows or significant diffusion can take place in solids.
Evaporation is a type of
vaporization of a
liquid, that occurs only on the
surface of a liquid. The other type of vaporization is
boiling, that instead occurs on the entire mass of the liquid. Evaporation is also part of the water cycle.
Conduction The transmission or conveying of something through a medium or passage, especially the transmission of electric charge or heat through a conducting medium without perceptible motion of the medium itself.
If you pass DRY air over a WET leaf, it will cool the leaf. (perspiration or transpiration)
depends on the air temp. if the air is too hot the convective heating will be greater than the evaporative cooling.
If that were the case, the guys plants would have been long dead...the scope of my advice was given based on the fact the air hes working with is already sustaining plant life. Based on this info your technicalities are now useless...and thats what this thread is about...i dont feel its necessary to specify temps and moisture levels...the basic principle of passing dry air over a wet leaf is sound, and if the air is already sustaining plant life it must not be too hot...so your point is again, not really a point, but just there to make me look wrong...
If you pass WET air over a DRY leaf, it will cool the leaf. (evaporative air con)
gotta say this is wrong as stated. if the air is wet and relatively hot, there is no cooling of the leaf. the way an evaporative cooler works, for example, is that the air is cooled internally by evaporative cooling and that air keeps room temps low because of the air temp, not it's humidity. there is no evaporative cooling going on in this case.
For that to be the case, the air would have to be dry and hot, then evaporate water to become dry an cool, then the cool wet air would need to heat up. (which means the air is cooling whatever its touching anyways, to absorb the heat)...then you would have to take this hot wet air, and pass it over something cooler than it..in order to heat the item up...anyone routing hot wet air over their cool dry plants shouldnt be growing...yet another point that is irrelevant here.
In a refrigerated system the air is cooled...but dried...I think you think evaporative coolers make the air cold.they dont..
In an evaporative system the air is wet but not cooled. Yes the ACT of wetting it cools it slightly but the main reason it feels cool is the air is now moist...moist air makes it a convective cooling system now...air containing cool water lands on your skin...the air con is basically doing the sweating for you...the water content evaporates and we feel cool. (sorry, we ARE cool. seeing as you feel the need to point the difference out).
You are basically ignoring the parts where i help people or prove you wrong, and focusing on small technical discrepancies...but what about all the points ive proven you wrong with?
Example: I say the light makes the thermometer hot you say its not the temperature of the light (its the combination of light and ambient)...that point is irrelevant the fact is the measurements not what we want.. you are just trying to call me out in any way you can.
I didnt mean we were measuring the temperature of the photons, i will re-word it for you as you seem to be having understanding troubles:
In that case, the light was the CAUSE of the temp being wrong. Irregardless of how many degrees it was out, EM radiation and interference, atmospheric anomalies and any other thing you want to pull out..nobody else on this forum would have expected me to specify...
So i come back and explain to you how the thermometer works, to the molecular level. You then drop that subject and come back with this crap about the different names of cooling..when i was attempting to give a practical example of each rather than a scientific description...
If you pass WET air over a WET leaf, the temperature of the air will be important. (conductive cooling, water is a good conductor so heat transfers to colder areas)
agreed, but note convective cooling is the specific term for conductive cooling when the cooling agent is a gas.
When its a gas or a liquid, or a semi solid like glass. I can add a small detail to the end of your points and make it seem like i know more too.
When you were wrong about infrared radiation, did i try to point out each time you were wrong? no..I merely politely informed you of your error, then brought it up one other time when you specifically mentioned it...your whole argument against me is about my wording, and about "what if the air is nuclear hot"...
Im not sure if you are getting a googled vibe from my writings? apart from my references this is all stuff i know, written from memory mostly with a small fact check here and there...im not some 14 year old high school drop out, i do know what im talking about and i will NOT let you say im wrong when im not.
Re word it as much as you like, use "what if" scenarios to make it seem wrong...do whatever you like.
OP question:
Thing is, the temperature reading on my digi thermometer at the same point is like 93 degrees farenheit... so whats the deal here? Is my digi not accouting for that lovely breeze i feel on my hand?
Did i answer that question? By saying the light is affecting the temperature?
yes it is scientific fact that air movement will cool human due to perspiration/evaporation-
but not plants?
Was i wrong when i said plants DO utilize evaporation?
And now we come to the comment that started it all. You said:
YES! animals shed heat by sweating - the very act of sweating reduces the temp of the body with no wind whatsoever. cooling via air flow is a completely separate mechanism than cooling through perspiration.
If there was no transpiration...the plant didnt "sweat" would the cooling be anywhere NEAR as efficient.
No plant transpiration, only air flow - do you think the plant would cool down enough? (dont say if the air is cold enough, in his grow box he says nothing of any air cooling devices..room temp air. The plants are healthy he said, so the temps cant be far off of good if at all! 98 in the light in fact.)
No air flow, just the plant sitting there transpiring...you think this is keeping it cool enough? Are you saying air flow WONT make it cooler?
I answered the questions correctly, you are being a troll now, not me.
I have attempted to keep my arguments aimed at the original question so if anyone reads this they know information relevant to a grow environment, you are clouding the issues by adding variables that dont need to exist..
You once said to me:
it's noble to want to help people, but how about learning first?
I think ive demostrated a much higher knowledge to you in every aspect of this topic. My posts are often detailed and contain resources that are well known and trusted, yours are all about what word i used, and what if the air is too hot or what f this...
The original poster gave us the information we need to not need to ask "what if the air is hot"...we know it isnt because he said his plants are healthy...
Lets wrap this up shall we...I dont see any way you could dispute my points now...but i am definitely willing and waiting for you to try