heat problem


Active Member
Hello, well Ive got some issues. but first I have a cabinet that is about a 33" tall, 20"wide in the front, and about 13-14" on the sides. anyways I drilled on a piece of 2" thick fireplace drywall on the back. I then made a shelf out of another piece of drywall and made a shelf. the shelf sets at the top inside the grow box, it has 5 holes randomly placed where the fixtures poke through, the bulbs then connect to the fixtures. (so they are hanging down)
ive got two 64w(300weqiv.) cfls that hang single on the sides, 4 42w(150weqiv.) in fixture spliters in the middle, and 2 26w(100weqiv.) bulbs. right now ive got 2 computer fans, one for intake at the top and one for exaust at the bottom corner.
my issue is that with just one 64wcfl, the temp outside the box range from 68-71 during the day. at 69F the temp in the box is around 75.9, so 71F outside the box makes it in the 77-78F. when the weather reaches 72F its about 81-82 in the box. so what I did since ive used all my money for this small grow nutes,soil,lightsetc. I took apart my small space heater wich has a 6" fan in it(i think) its a good size fan, but I intstalled it for the exauhst. it works good, the ducting heading out shoots out some air.- now the inside I put my hand up to the ex fan,even crumble up some pearlite and the fan seems to shoot it back in.
so im not sure why this is.
and it clanks a bit making some noise. with this fan it gets about 75F in the box, when the outside temp is 71.8. so improved a bit. Im woundering though with all of them on that temp most likely will rise? the exaust I have in a whole in the floor, the intake is open I air out my room quite a bit during the day and at night. so im not sure how to make a good intake for this.
soooooo,my questions are how can I fix the ventilation, the noise from the big fan.(maybe fixing ventilation will correct the temp problems?


Well-Known Member
Your biggest problem is that your exhaust is on the bottom. Heat rises, all you're doing is blowing out the cool air. Put your intake on the bottom, and your exhaust up top. Though you stated that now your temps in the box are about 75? 75f is a great temp, no real problem with that.

Anyways, swap your intake and exhaust then let us know how that worked out.


Active Member
anybody got an idea how to silence this fan. its got like a loud clicking noise, that mixed with the fan itself, it gets noisy. I had some polyfill on hand and wraped the fan inside the box and out. but it only helped a little. is there a better way to take some noise off of this?


Well-Known Member
That's a cool little cab there. Maybe try using some WD-40 on the fan to have it run smoother. Other than that, some rubber between the fan casing and whatever it's resting on might help reduce vibrations. Some fans are just loud though.