Heat problem


Well-Known Member
Im having some heat problem in my new grow room the temp is about 33 celcius im running two 600 watt hps in cooltubes and a fan sucking the air throug a filter into the cooltubes and out of the house.
I need some fresh air inside the room what is the best thing for me too do? i was thinking about putting just a hole in the door or a fan blowing air into the room you guys think that would help?


Well-Known Member
Im having some heat problem in my new grow room the temp is about 33 celcius im running two 600 watt hps in cooltubes and a fan sucking the air throug a filter into the cooltubes and out of the house.
I need some fresh air inside the room what is the best thing for me too do? i was thinking about putting just a hole in the door or a fan blowing air into the room you guys think that would help?
how big is your room, and how many cfm's is your fan

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Your ambient room temp is 33c?
Or, canopy temp?
You will definitely benefit from a small air intake fan.
The lower you put the intake the cooler it is likely to be.
1 thing to keep in mind though, is light.
You need to baffle the light that will come through the fan.
A 90* elbow duct works great!


Well-Known Member
Need bigger fan or shorter ductwork. Sounds like a closet grow, yes? A passive (no fan) intake should be fine if you can get enough air out.


Well-Known Member
Yea. Ducting is too long. Causing too much static pressure and not allowing the fan to work ass well as it should. I understand you wanted to vent outside but if heat continues to be an issue you will have to address that. Rep+ for the clean setup tho. Nicely done.


Well-Known Member
i have tried everything ! so i turned one of the lamps off... problem solved and a smaller crop for me :(