Well-Known Member
Ok I have 5 plants all of the same age, roughly 2 and 1/4 months old. They are still veg all in 5 gallon fabric pots and MG soil
( yeah I'm retarded!) , indoor in tent under viparspectra 1000w/230W actual light, half strength ff nutrient trio. So here's my problem, this plant has always been stressed by the heat but now it looks as if its dying/drying up browning. Is this because my soil is toxic with too much nutes from the MG soil?? I literally found a thread on this yesterday and it was the first time I heard of how toxic MG can be once you get into flowering or close to it. I've already flushed the plant pretty good last night just to be sure it wasn't to salty in the soil. Don't want to do it to the rest if I dont need to. What do you guys think the cause of this is? Should I preemptively flush the others as well to er on the side of caution, or just roll with them see how they dinish veg and flower?
Sorry for the pics did the best I could, always had shakey hands like an addict ina methadone clinic!!!

( yeah I'm retarded!) , indoor in tent under viparspectra 1000w/230W actual light, half strength ff nutrient trio. So here's my problem, this plant has always been stressed by the heat but now it looks as if its dying/drying up browning. Is this because my soil is toxic with too much nutes from the MG soil?? I literally found a thread on this yesterday and it was the first time I heard of how toxic MG can be once you get into flowering or close to it. I've already flushed the plant pretty good last night just to be sure it wasn't to salty in the soil. Don't want to do it to the rest if I dont need to. What do you guys think the cause of this is? Should I preemptively flush the others as well to er on the side of caution, or just roll with them see how they dinish veg and flower?
Sorry for the pics did the best I could, always had shakey hands like an addict ina methadone clinic!!!