heat stress


Well-Known Member
ok so i redid everything. I havent gotten the panda film yet going to do that. Aluminum foil is all down dont have any reflective material right now. I ran 6" insulated flex duct from an air conditioning vent through a air filter pulled into box by intake fan. I put the 250 cfm in for my outtake ran into attic and out vent might still put another 250cfm inline not sure. kept the fans for circulation. my temps are now 74-80 humidity 37-48(when open box) The advice has worked wonders thank you everyone who replied Just one more question when i add the panda film is that going to raise my temp or will it actually lower it since i still have some small holes that room air can get into. My bow is made of 1x4 pine


Well-Known Member
Nice dude! good to hear your temps are down! Man, I don't think the panda will effect your temps, but you raised a good point about the small holes. I think you are just going to have to try....Let us know how it turns out...again nice work..


Well-Known Member
thanks man i think i am going to use either caulking or duct tape behind the panda film to seal holes. Probably use duct tape due to chemical smell from caulking. will let everyone know have definately learnt my lesson bout heat.


Well-Known Member
Killer, I like to use either Foil Tape, or gorilla tape, depending on the application. Weak duct tape only last until the humidity gets alittle high, then it just peels off....I think you can get low VCS caulking, check into it....GL


Well-Known Member
ok so i got everything down to the box repositioned my fan shooting air towards the light more by intake temps been good. Well here we go again we have been having colder nights air conditioner shuts off round 800 temps start rising in box 83 I know it is nothing like had before what I am wondering is since my box is lightproof now completely sealed. If I slowly change my light cycle will it mess me up? I have never had to do this. To clarify my lights run from 4 am till 10 pm (18/6 cycle) can i day by day change it to lik3 am till 9pm one day next day 2 am till 8 pm without hurting it? I cant make the air conditioner run any longer than it does cause the thermostat is not in room it is in cooler area. Moving it is not an option. Sorry if I rambled on stoned


Well-Known Member
As a rule, during veg keep the lights on longer, and in bloom keep them in the dark until the desired time is reached...I don't do it slowly, I just do the switch right away. Understandable?


Well-Known Member
cool thats what i thought i changed it by 2 hours last night. When you do it does your new growth leaves droop. The new growth was looking good last night now when i got home today they were droopy. I know it isnt overwater and it isnt heat stress there is no spots whatsoever plants color is the right green it looks sad. One thing I noticed though is the roots have almost doubled in size in the last week-week and a half. I added a 4 inch airstone then. I do not have it running real fast but a descent bubble. roots have definately moved above it. Could the extra root growth be taking away from the plant? I am going to call this plant Stressy. She(hopefully) has been a big pain in the ass. I cant wait to go back to soil.


Well-Known Member
daddychris i would give you rep or whatever it is but dont know how. Hell you have been alot of help here lately ty Blinkykush you too


Well-Known Member
whooo dude you got a lock up going...Change out that water quick! It looks like your PH dropped to low and you have deficiencies big time. Get that ph up to 6.3-6.5 for a few days. not good man, but in hydro everything happens so fast, good or bad..

On a lighter note, if you want to rep someone just click on the scale on the top right of the post, you will get it from there.

I am worried about those plants now...This could get real bad if not taken care of quick. Change out your res with fresh nutes, and ph alittle higher then you have been. Did your meter read 5.9 while the plants looked like that? If so, I would check, and calibrate your meter...Read up on plant problems in the GrowFaq on header of any page.


Well-Known Member
yes meter said 5.9 with them like that. Should I add nutes? I havent used in about a week due to the heat stress. I have only been using distilled water. Also what would if any damage be if to switch it to soil?


Well-Known Member
ok so i will never trust someone else giving me a ph pen and saying it is calibrated i went and bought a ecotester ph 2 Ised the 4.01 solution and 7.0 solution to calibrate(it has 3 cal points) goint to try spring water been hearing some bad bout distelled. Well I tested the distilled water and i thought it should be lower but its ph was 7.1 its giant eagle brand i then checked the spring water it is 7.8 absopure brand. I took 1 gal of spring added 1/2 tbl big bloom and 1 tsp grow big. ph was 7.0. I added 40 drops of ph down to make it 6.3 going to change now. How often should i change this water out whenever the ph changes?