
Hi guys, quick question.. might help others aswell..

If i had a 1800w fan heater and i put the thermastat to the lowest settings so it switches off when it hits a certain temp.. would my heater still be using 1800wats per hour or would that drop because thermastat isnt set to highest all the time?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
it uses 1800watts/hr when the heater is on...so if its only kicking on for 10 minutes/hr it would be using 300watts/hr.


Well-Known Member
It uses the 1800w while it is running. Most plug-in fan heaters only really have one temperature setting. All the thermostat does is control when the heater kicks on and how long it runs for.


Well-Known Member
yeah I run my heater on its lowest "Wattage" setting...so its only using 750 watts when its on...the frequency that it turns on I have nofaking idea as I don't pay attention to it...I know it keeps my grow area above 60F when the lights are out says my thermostat...good enough for me :D
I heard that the 120w tubular heaters were not that good and only kept groom at around 13-19c.
Do you owjn one of those then? if so can u put groom specs and temps please.