Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

ive had the concept in my head for at least 8 months now, i just dont have the space; im thinking of applying the flooded tube concept myself, but on a smaller scale. but glad to see someone else took the plunge, ill be along for the ride!
Heath: Could you please talk a little about your ebb/flood you have your clones in?

Thats the only info missing from this grow. I have looked at other examples of ebb and flo but since Im going to follow Heaths grow to the letter I would like details on his system. Also , I'm going to be taking clones but I would like to see his germination method.
Hi heath, Your work is great keep it up dude. I am thinking of doing hydro next been doing soil for a while now with good results but since seeing your grows me wants more. I seen your green giants x ak47 in the aeroflo system WOW. I want to grow the same strain just wondering what system would be best I'm thinking aeroflo might be abit advanced for first time also what ec and best ph would i get same growth rate with another system? would this strain grow as good in your vertical grow and is that aeroflo system d.i.y cheers heath
quick question about the dams. If they are meant to keep the tubes flooded up to the bottom of the netpots why do they have to be adjustable. cant they just be fixed in place cut to the height of the bottom of the netpots? I know in my head it makes sense lol.

the only issue i see is if the roots aren;t popping out the bottom of the netpots... maybe thats the reason heath used them. If i were to make sure roots were coming out of the bottom of the netpots i see no reason why the same can't be glued in place and not be adjustable.
I copied Heath's setup (in a much smaller version) and glued my dams in place. This was a mistake for two reasons. 1. The tubes started overflowing becuase the roots got really big, and combined with the dams the water was coming out the holes for the net pots.

2. When I drain the system completely to change water... if your dams cannot be adjusted 'away' the water in the tubes can't drain, know what I mean. I'm not heath... but that's what I found in my system. I would totally either recommend adjustable dams or no dams at all with the plants already having roots big enough to reach the water.

Good luck
thanks for the quick reply. given your experience with this setup what would happen if you only build the dams to bring the water up slightly? not to rear the bottom of the netpots but to reach say the middle of the distance between the bottom of the netpot and the bottom of the flood tubes. do you think it will still spill out the holes when the roots grow out?
Hey Jigfresh,

What size pipe are you using. It seems that the 4 inch pipe may only support very short veg times. I wonder if 6 inch would be ideal for roots and if it would be worth the extra cost and running weight (it will be loaded with much more water). I'm still deciding which way to go, 4, 5 or 6. Anyone, please feel free to offer your opinions.
how many grams avg from each plant? i know i read it here a few weeks ago but i dont want to reread everything. i swear i have rear this thread atleat 3 time haha
please fix pictures in this thread
page 1..etc pix dont represent actual descriptions or what it used to be
Damn it
this error made me go the the and of the thread and now i'm stuck in here..
hmmm..."I:M back from the future coming from page 36"
but dont have energy to come back
anyone have any more insight on a fixed dam position. I was told by a member on another site who built the system out of 4" pvc sdr35 pipe with fixed dams. He told me he fixed the dams in place at the height that the water flow stays right under the netpots. He said that everything was going great untill the roots got very long. the longer roots caused a backup at the dams and water leaked out of the netpots.

so you guys think if you made the dams only 1" tall this would solve the problems for these guys running cheap pvc pipe setup with fixed dams.

i'm gonna build one in june so we shall find a solution.

anyone remember how much each plant weight was dry on average. i know i remember reading it some place in this tread. i tried the search fuction but its kinda lame.
the roots issue makes me wonder
i will be experimenting with 3" PV.C,
would spacing of the plants help?
how big are roots of an individual 18" lo.wrider?
in aerogarden water dont touch nets at all
Anyone know what height he hung the bulb ?

I Wanted to build this with wood and use coco kinda like heaths vertical grow racks.

Heath if you ever read this can you tell me if you would have built your vertical racks now with 7 sides
around 1 600 watt lamp given the results of this grow.
Hi heath been reading through your critical mass and this vert grow for the last day, you really have everything dialed in to get the maximum. Inspiration man!

Im new to growing but been researching loads so im sorry if the questions sound daft

Iv just noted down a few questions if you dont mind me asking you

1. Doesnt the roots drown if the water is touching the bottom of the net cup.
2. How old are the clones when you put them into veg, do you need all the roots to be touching the bottom of the net pot for them to be able to feed or does the splash of the water reach them.
3. What medium do you use for the clones, do you then just put whatever medium your using in with the clay pebbles.
4. If all the water is constantly being re flushed round, how do you know when to add more water and more nutes, this one i dont understand.
5. What is the outside dimensions of the setup and what shape is it, is it a box and then youve got the angles in the middle of the room or does the outside have the angles.
6. Do you use anything to extract to like a carbon filter, what about intake. I read that you have a fan at the bottom blowing up is this your intake.
7. Your room 6ft x 9ft with one 600watt, if you wanted to use 2x 600 watt what would be the best way to lay it out, what size would you want to go up to and would you place your bulbs under each other on a metal line or at the side of each other etc
8. I read that your hoping to get 2lbs/pw. If you changed the dimensions to something in longer length like 15ft long and 6 ft wide, would you still hope for the same amount of yield with the necessary amount of extra lights needed, if so how many 600watts would you think would go nice in a room that size.
9. Would Co2 be a good extra for this setup. What would be your best way of using it
10. When you say you change the nutrients every 2 weeks do get rid of all the old water and replace with new or just keep the old water and add more nutes.
11. How manys rows you got and what are the spaces between each one
12. Did you just use a holesaw for the net pot holes, did you drill these at a slight angle.
13. Whats a bypass on the pump
14. What would be the best method in terms of yields, growing them small and bushy or going for big colas.
15. How long was they veging for before you put them into flowering.

Wow alot of questions, hope you done mind heath. ;-)

There are answers to all your questions if you would read the whole thread & take in what he explains