heating issues :( still


Active Member
update - into 2nd week of 12/12 my dawn was 2am, now due to temp drops outside i have had to first buy a heater and now am changing dawn to 7pm by running an extended peroid of darkness.

my prob is this : my 1kw rad heater wasnt cutting it at the coldest times (temp down to 8 deg C at worst so far and its getting colder out there) - so have put in a 2kw fan heater - keeps temp between 15- 20 deg C - gr8 i hear u say

but i have no more usable electric so over the next 23 hrs i cant run the pumps / extractor fan / air stones / or the desk top fan

i can cover the the watering manualy what i really wanna know is how damaging if at all is it for no fresh air to circulate ??

its only this short term prob as i will buy a extra 450w rad heater which gives me room to use about another 500w - its a fiddle with the timers but do-able.

oh for another line in of electric:idea: then i could really get some growing done - oh well will have wait till i can afford the extra extension line (250m if u r interested)

if u read this far congrats :D appreiciate any input
