Heating room in dark hours

Aha with you now, I run a 4ins standard bathroom fan reversed and bringing in fresh air from an adjoining outhouse. The adjoining outhouse is not heated in anyway, and the room is not sealed, I have boards up at windows, it's merely a concrete shed with a roof on :)
trapper, do you think I need the fan to bring in fresh air, seeing as my exhaust fan is quite big ? or just let the natural suck and pull theory do it's job ? the hole on my intake is 4ins

Well I got the 1KW today, I have put it in the room and put it on the timer.
Wasn't sure how to gauge the correct position on the thermostat dial as it isn't digital, gonna have to try and guess it.
Is there a sure way of getting the right temp setting?
I fired it up when the room was at 74f and waited for it to turn itself off, then turned back the dial a little way so hopefully when the temp drops to below 65F tomorrow when the light goes off the rad will turn back on.
I just hope it aint to expensive to run.
I would say wait till room is a little cold, turn the thermostat dial on full and wait till its at the right temp, then turn the thermostat dial back untill it turns off, & then a tiny bit more, thats what i allways do.
Just went in and checked :) minimum temp today was 61F have altered it a little to see if I can raise it to 65F
max temp was 78F
so nearly got it to 10 degrees difference, is this right ?