One pound of copper with a direct thermal path and decent surface area, it should perform awesomely. For a CXA3070 AB at 1.4A though, there is not much room for improvement over the Apline11 (~2% temp droop). You could bypass the 3 speed switch and just power the fan directly with a 5V or 6V. Should be quiet and efficient that way.
$4 ea, tough to beat that deal! Is there a decent supply of them?
Oh snap, so what is a general predication on higher amperage, could I get to 2.1A at any point?[i guess I thought they seemed a little small with the 70mm bad]
Craigslist find, might get 3 altogether.

I was just sitting down to buy some Arctic's too! But jumped online and found these. Might happen might not. The switches I probably won't use, but might try. I have handfuls of cellphone power supplies.... [who doesn't] too.....
But have been thinking and started investigating tonight, about building a DIY variable control with a
LM1084IT-ADJ or something similar. I have the schematics, easy to build with a pot, cap and two resistors I believe.....
Need to review again about measuring efficiency. What was the Fluke Model you recommended? Thinking about possibly dipping my toe in that pool......