'Heavy' pot smoker wins trafficking case on personal use defence


Well-Known Member
A Saskatchewan man who said he is a heavy user of marijuana, and was caught with nearly half a kilogram of weed in his truck, has been found not guilty of drug trafficking on the "personal use" defence.

Devon Douglas Lavallee was charged Aug. 29, 2013, with drug possession for the purpose of trafficking.

'He says he smokes a lot of pot.'- Devon Douglas Lavallee's defence in drug trafficking case
Lavallee was driving on Highway 3 to his home in Weldon, Sask., about 60 kilometres southeast of Prince Albert, when he was pulled over for erratic driving.

The man was extremely stoned, according to the decision released Monday by provincial court Judge Felicia Daunt.

Daunt had to decide if Lavallee's marijuana was for his own use, as he testified, or if he intended to sell it.

The accused had purchased the marijuana for $1,600.

An RCMP officer with experience in drug trafficking cases testified at the trial that the nearly half-kilogram cache was simply too much for a recreational user.

"[The officer] says this would amount to a 443-day supply for the 'typical' user, who smokes one gram a day," Daunt wrote in her decision. "A 'heavy' user would consume two grams a day."

But Lavallee testified he is not a "typical user" of marijuana, Daunt noted.

"He says he has been smoking between five and 13 grams per day for 13 years," she said, in part to alleviate chronic back pain.
3-month supply within 'usability' range
Lavallee also told the court that he would go through a quarter pound (113 grams) of marijuana in about two weeks.
"Although Mr. Lavallee is prone to exaggeration, I accept that ... he smokes five or more grams per day of marijuana... ."

Daunt considered the RCMP officer's observation that marijuana loses its potency after six months to a year, and determined that a three-month supply is "well within the range of usability".

Daunt also weighed the fact that many items commonly discovered in a drug trafficker's home, including weigh scales and a cellphone, were not found in a search of Lavallee's place.

"The absence of packaging material suitable for distribution in smaller quantities troubles me the most," Daunt wrote.

Ultimately, Daunt said she had to consider whether the Crown had proven the case beyond a reasonable doubt. While she said it seemed unusual for someone to go through so much marijuana, it was a possibility.

"He says he smokes a lot of pot," Daunt wrote. "As far as I know, there is no physical or medical reason a person would be unable to consume more than two grams of marijuana per day."


Well-Known Member
I just came back from a short trip to the outside. When I caught my flight in Whitehorse, I just sailed through security...no questions asked. When I had to come back through TO...I admit I was a little apprehensive.....the two cops standing at the security gate didn't help the sitch. Anywho.....while my bag was under the X-ray it stopped and they scrutinized it but in the end....I just sailed through Toronto as well. I am getting more comfortable as people around me become more comfortable. I smoked outside both terminals and while I wasn't cunty about it, I didn't try to hide. The writing is on the wall in big bold letters.


Well-Known Member
"He says he smokes a lot of pot," Daunt wrote. "As far as I know, there is no physical or medical reason a person would be unable to consume more than two grams of marijuana per day."

The judge thinks 2 grams per day....is reasonable use....lol
I use 3 times that amount daily.....lol with out any for recreational use added.....
they are so completely out of touch when it comes to things like weed.....
it should be mandatory for a judge to get high once and a while......since they are
the front line defense for the crown....and try thousands of people on a substance that
they most likely have not experienced themselves....


Well-Known Member
I just came back from a short trip to the outside. When I caught my flight in Whitehorse, I just sailed through security...no questions asked. When I had to come back through TO...I admit I was a little apprehensive.....the two cops standing at the security gate didn't help the sitch. Anywho.....while my bag was under the X-ray it stopped and they scrutinized it but in the end....I just sailed through Toronto as well. I am getting more comfortable as people around me become more comfortable. I smoked outside both terminals and while I wasn't cunty about it, I didn't try to hide. The writing is on the wall in big bold letters.
it's when ya hide it you look like a stoner, when it's business as usual and all cool is when you find out how many ppl don't really care. I was outside Calgary and St John's terminals blasting joints, no worries.


The crowns in provinces across Canada (except Saskatchewan) will be trying to lessen this decisions effect by claiming it isn't a precedent for matters dealt with in their respective provinces. A competent defence counsel would use this case as probative value and not necessary precedent when arguing "for personal use".

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
What's in it? Its burning red, did you flush it good? Where's the white ash :eyesmoke:
It mixed with charcoal to help it burn....cough .....choke....good shit man...really....hack.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................help


Well-Known Member
Ya and I thought the worst thing the patients had to deal with was schwag low thc stems and sticks weed now they are all wondering if there meds are nuked. What's the fucking world comming to eh hippy fucked up



Well-Known Member
It should not be hard for a daily use smoker to use the same amount this guy was busted for....
and buying in qty is just a money savings thing......really this case could have repeated itself
and probably has..a number of times anyway,,,and if you had scales and baggies in your house you would be a trafficker...lol


Well-Known Member
It mixed with charcoal to help it burn....cough .....choke....good shit man...really....hack.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................help
I don't know I think you used too much red phosphorous in week 6.