Heavy thoughts, telling a secret, looking for redemption.


The secret itself may speak to a deeper issue. But a willingness to talk is a good start.

1 year ago

I was what most people would call successful. I had the American Dream, the Wife , the Kids, the house, the cars, the boats, the pets etc….

The Wife was about to leave me – had been for years – she should have I wouldn’t have blamed her.

The Kids, hardly ever saw them when I did they were secondary I was always working (or worrying about work).

The House – never saw it at that time it really was nothing but a burden.

The cars – I shouldn’t have been allowed one, I drove more times drunk than I care to think about, thank god nothing ever happened.

The Boats – I don’t even like boats they were just a status symbol of what I supposed to be.
I was a work-a-holic, I accomplished no more than I do now I just spent a lot more time worrying about.

I was an alcoholic, getting drunk twice a day was not unusual. Drinking does not bring out better side of me. And the daily beating from all the booze was really taking a toll on my health I was 300 pounds of stress. The only question was what would kill me first the heart attack or the stroke.

Present Day

I truly have the American dream now. Same Wife, same Kids, Same house, actually turns out I may not like Boats but I do Like old Porsche sports cars. I have lost 50 Pounds so far, I smoke pot on a regular basis and I do not intend to stop. Pot has given me a the life I always wanted – and had all along I was just too busy to notice. I have not had a drink in I am not sure how long it has to be 3 or 4 months, truth is I don’t think about it anymore and I think that is what it takes to truly leave it behind.

The Wife

I love my wife again, the last few years we have most certainly been growing apart, lately I feel like she is even reciprocating that love (now I just have to find a way to tell her my secret). My wife is a bit of a fuddy – duddy, while I have been a hardcore shit out your liver drinker for the last 20 years I have never seen my wife intoxicated.

More on my wife.

I used to call her Saint “Her First Name” she hated that but it really is true. I have never known her to tell even a partial truth, she does not drink; she is in general just a good person. She is smart and capable. She is the mother of children and I love her.

She suffers from frequent headaches and general fatigue. She takes very very good care of herself and should be in excellent health but she seems to only at best ever feel “fine”.

One of her re-occurring ailments is some joint swelling in her hands. I made some “special” message oil form the tailings off my vaporizer; these seem to really help her.

The Problem

My wife has no idea that I smoke, I know everyone is going to say ”how could she not tell?”. Let’s just say after walking around blasted drunk for years being a little stoned is a cake walk, I honestly don’t think she can tell. If anything she has seen nothing but massive improvements in our home life. To make matters even worse – sort of. I am also growing. This is no small thing, you see I never do anything small and my little growing operation is not your typical home setup. I should really share what I have done here with all of you since I learned most of the concepts from other members of this site. Maybe after I sort out this life experience I can share that portion of the journey with you all.

The Fear

With my wife, withholding information is the same as a bold faced lie, having done what I have done for the last year without telling her represents just that. And she is right I have no excuse I should be able to trust her with this. On the outside disclosure of this information could have consequences up to the ending of my marriage. I don’t think she would leave me. In fact I hope she will join me once she knows this behind my/our life improvement. Or she could insist that I quit, and honestly I would really hate to do that, I think things would just go back to the way they were. But I would stop if she asked me to.

The Goal

To share all of this with her, I want to her to know it all, I want her to accept it and if at all possible I would love for her to participate. I really think it will help her the way it has helped me.

Random thoughts that got me here

We have been married for 19 years; we were high school sweet hearts who saved “it” for the wedding night. Actually it was really a couple of days later, it was my birthday as I recall, we never really did this part very well. Now we have 2 kids we were roommates long before the kids. Every once in a while we get just a flash of intimacy I yearn for more. For the first time in a long time I am waiting for her, I fear I have been absent for so long that she stopped noticing.
I want to share all of this with her, I want her to accept it all, I would love it if she choose to participate, I really think it could help her as it has helped me.

The Plan

I am telling her this week. Her sister is going to watch the kids over night. I will take her to a nice dinner then we can go home and talk. Worst case I sleep in my grow room alone. Best case I introduce my wife to her first taste. I dream of an open free flowing “high” discussion with my wife.

I still have not decided how I am going to tell her. I know it is critical that it not come as a shock (another reason why I think it is so important to come clean). My wife is an opened minded person in general; I fear that what she knows about pot is the stereotypes and propaganda that even myself believed only a short while ago. I know that if I can figure out how to lay all the information out for her she will see it as I do.


Well-Known Member
make sure you have a backup plan if shit goes south with your wife . . .

crazy story bro . . .


Active Member
Even if she is open minded as you say, you should still lay out the information in the way she can best accept it. Try to find her current unbiased stand on the issue itself before you tell her your 'secret' to better gauge the outcome of her reaction. Just make sure she doesn't think you're simply trading the abuse of one substance for another. I don't know much about your wife but if she is a reader I would says get something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Marijuana-Safer-Driving-People-Drink/dp/1603581448

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yo man. Start easy on her!

If you have an elaborate grow system you do NOT want to show her that right after you tell her you smoke.

I have found that when people don't understand cannabis as a plant, they don't understand your just doing natures work. To people that don't know cannabis, manufacturing buds is almost on the same level as making meth. They hear about people getting busted with all this moneys worth of drugs and paraphanelia and when they see your grow they freak the fuck out.

A person uneducated in cannabis would think: Okay, smoking is one thing.. BUT GROWING, YOUR FUCKING GROWING POT?

First you have to open up, tell her that you know you had a problem with drinking, tell her you really struggled with it. Life was shit. BE PAINFULLY HONEST. Then tell her you found something; cannabis. Cannabis isn't harmful, it doesn't give you cancer, it's simply a plant that grows under the sun and you smoke it. Nothing added, no bad chemicals. And it's keeping you away from the alcohol, which is where your problems are.

Make sure she is 100% on board when you show her whatever else your going to show her.

Good luck man, we at RIU are here for you :peace:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Just make sure she doesn't think you're simply trading the abuse of one substance for another
Well. He is, and like I said it's best to be honest.

I've heard something I find to be true: You never really get rid of an addiction, you just replace it with another.

However, a mental addiction to cannabis is fine. It's pretty much harmless. It doesn't impair your driving (according to studies), it doesn't tax your liver, it doesn't make you dumb (unless you choose not to learn).

What I'm saying is that cannabis is the perfect replacement for any addiction. And I'm glad the OP traded alcoholism for cannabis.


Active Member
Mate its proper brave coming on here and sayn all that. My father was an alcholhalic through out alot of my childhood, drunk all day everyday, so i know first hand damage alcholhal can do and alot about what its like recovering from being an alchohalic, so no matter how it goes from here well done for gettin where you are now! Its sorta because a how my dad was tht a i started smoking pot i made an educated choice and chose what i believed to be the less damaging of the 2 vices, everyone gotta have some sorta vice. Bit of escape. So champion mate well done!


Don't tell her. You got a good thing going now, why risk it. Don't be sooo deep about it. Be the best damn husband and father you can be; that's it. Don't feel guilty about smoking/growing grass, just keep it to yourself and take care of your family....boom, you're done, now go play some ball with your kids!



Active Member
Don't tell her. You got a good thing going now, why risk it. Don't be sooo deep about it. Be the best damn husband and father you can be; that's it. Don't feel guilty about smoking/growing grass, just keep it to yourself and take care of your family....boom, you're done, now go play some ball with your kids!

yeah they love if when you keep GIANT SECRETS!


Active Member
Well. He is, and like I said it's best to be honest.

I've heard something I find to be true: You never really get rid of an addiction, you just replace it with another.

However, a mental addiction to cannabis is fine. It's pretty much harmless. It doesn't impair your driving (according to studies), it doesn't tax your liver, it doesn't make you dumb (unless you choose not to learn).

What I'm saying is that cannabis is the perfect replacement for any addiction. And I'm glad the OP traded alcoholism for cannabis.
yeah I kind of thought something like that that after I wrote it, but you nailed it I agree.


Well l told her. The world did not end, and she is still here. We may even come out of this proper couple again now wouldn't that be something! It will take a little time, my wife is so innocent she really knows absolutely nothing about this subject, and what she does know is the usual BS propaganda and rumors about Pot that are based completely on in accurate stereotypes and plain ignorance. She is a highly educated and very intelligent person, once I got her over the initial shock and could talk on a logical level things began to go my way. It's going to be a good day! The world is a better place for me today than it was yesterday. How often do you really get to say that? A couple of times in your entire life if you are lucky.


Well-Known Member
This is good info -- exactly the kind of thing that will appeal to her logical mind.

for sure . . . also, cannabis works upon the cannabinoid receptor system in our body.

it's a totally safe mechanism in our body that doesn't allow you to overdose. as the cannabinoid receptors have to be activated before dopamine is and etc.

with alcohol, it just goes directly to the dopamine and serotonin regulators and causes it to go haywire and release at mass . . .

cannabis has a controlled reaction because of the elegant cannabinoid receptor system . . . within this complex receptor system, there are so many functions unknown to us it's unbelievable . . . and this allows for the possibilities of other strains to do different effects.

so essentially . . . . alcohol works like a grinding gear in our brain .. . . cannabis is like the key to happiness in our brain.


for sure . . . also, cannabis works upon the cannabinoid receptor system in our body.

it's a totally safe mechanism in our body that doesn't allow you to overdose. as the cannabinoid receptors have to be activated before dopamine is and etc.

with alcohol, it just goes directly to the dopamine and serotonin regulators and causes it to go haywire and release at mass . . .

cannabis has a controlled reaction because of the elegant cannabinoid receptor system . . . within this complex receptor system, there are so many functions unknown to us it's unbelievable . . . and this allows for the possibilities of other strains to do different effects.

so essentially . . . . alcohol works like a grinding gear in our brain .. . . cannabis is like the key to happiness in our brain.
Turns out she was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Part of my motivation behind this disclosure was to offer this as a possible treatment to her. What the doctors are giving her is not working, it does more harm than good IMO. We live in Texas and I am sure we will be one of the last states to gain legalization or even decriminalization. I find it very sad that a substance so effective is criminalized without any regard to the obvious benefits.


Active Member
Wow man, yeah I can relate with you. When I was going out with this girl it had been about three years and things were going down the shitter. I had a big drinking problem when I got to college, and I would go out at night and sometimes end up in compromising positions because of it. We would always fight and she could never trust me, it was horrible.
Then I found marijuana. It turned my life around for the better. Instead of going out and getting drunk I would stay in and focus more on important things in my life, like my girlfriend and my studies. Now, the only problem is that she is very opposed to weed. She buys into the whole government propaganda on how horrible it is for you. Sadly though I could refute any and all arguments she had against it, and even proved that it lead to a more satisfying relationship between us. She is, however, very stubborn. Marijuana, while healing our relationship also destroyed it because she could never get over it.

My advice is tread with caution. Although it may seem like the obvious solution to you, she might never be able to accept it. Good luck man