Heavy user first time with RSO


I vape about 2 or 2.5 grams of flower each day. Got some RSO from the dispensary. Some info on that RSO, .84g GG #4, 622mg THC, manufactured on 12/1/23, packaged 12/11/23, sold to me on 5/8/24, expires on 11/30/24. Kinda old right….?

I took a few doses of this and haven’t felt much. Beginning to wonder what the fuck is going on. Everything I heard say don’t take more than a grain of rice. I took the grain, didn’t feel anything. Took about double the grain like 4 hours later. Still, just got kinda tired. Next day, took like 6 grains, felt tired.

I have about .4 left of the syringe. I’m about to just do the rest of it and see what happens. Oh, btw, been just smearing it on a cracker and eating it that way. Should I put it under my younger and let it dissolve? Does how old it is affecting the potency? When I was reading about this stuff, articles I was reading pretty much scared me out of taking larger doses. I guess better safe than sorry.

Come to think of it, I’m in kinda a good body high. But I have also been vaping flower too. So I dunno. The first RSO dose I took first thing in the morning to see if I could feel its effects more. Still didn’t feel much. Didn’t spend much on it, it was like $15.

Any RSO users in here that can point a guy in the right direction?
It can be used sublingually says right on the box. I tried it its slightly stronger but overall edibles dont effect me. I only get a mild buzz at the right dose or else I eat myself sober.

Everyone else I know who does feel edibles like they often depict that say rso was the bomb and very strong.

The lecithin trick grew on me took like 8 months to claim I never got high on edibles to finally feel a ok buzz. Tried edibles without it and still to this day its a dud if no liposomal tech applied.
Eating cannabis concentrate has different effects than smoking or vaporizing, because it is first processed by your liver. What are you hoping for with the RSO?

I was hoping to get high enough to not wanna vape the rest of the day. After a couple days of pondering what happened I realize now that I was feeling the effect, just not the way I was expecting. Plus, it was hard to tell because I was vaping before and during. The high was more of a body high. And I had ZERO pain. Normally I’m uncomfortable because of my back. That day I wasn’t. So I would say all in all it was a good experience and was worth the $20 or so. I’m gonna get more next time and dose when I wake up and make sure not to smoke or vape on top so I can feel the full effect of the RSO.
Im a heavy smoker an oz or more a week plus concentrates and what ever els i can get my hands on. I recently tried RSO, I ended up eating half gram at a time. and the main effect was sleep. I slept so fucking good. other then that not much of a high. now I also tried a 2000mg tinc and did 3 full droppers and that shit fucked me up try that.
Im a heavy smoker an oz or more a week plus concentrates and what ever els i can get my hands on. I recently tried RSO, I ended up eating half gram at a time. and the main effect was sleep. I slept so fucking good. other then that not much of a high. now I also tried a 2000mg tinc and did 3 full droppers and that shit fucked me up try that.
that tinc had me unable to tell reality from shit i was making up in my head.
For a couple years I always have RSO tablets in stock.
Pills,way it's meant to be taken.
Other then costs,I take it because of high chance of a low dose of CBD.(for IBS-D)

In the syringe,meant to be put in a capsule or something.
Condensed,it gets absorbed in the mouth and less is digested.
Even a tinc,they say put under tongue for faster results.
Doing so just lessens the affects of an eddable.

Being RSO,doesn't make it potent.
Liposomal encapsulation
Mix your rso with some mct/coconut oil with a little lecithin
Simmer for at least 20 minutes, some folks go 3 hours or more
This will help encapsulate the cannabinoid as it passes through your digestion
It seems more of the cannabinoid makes it to your liver for conversion to 11 hydroxy thc which has a far stronger effect

Badkat has a thread in the edibles section
Now that I think about it a little more. I have a pretty good body high. I’m just not like super messed up and I guess I was kinda expecting that. I definitely feel good.

I think I’ll wait to take the rest of it tomorrow.
I noticed if you smoke with edibles it makes the edibles not soo strong or noticable.

Allsoo there are some people that have a different liver that doesnt work with thc soo you dont get that much high.

And allsoo i smoke less than a gram daily and oil doesnt hit that hard its just long as fuck.that was when i licked a whole spoon after finishing cooking the oil
I noticed if you smoke with edibles it makes the edibles not soo strong or noticable.

Allsoo there are some people that have a different liver that doesnt work with thc soo you dont get that much high.

And allsoo i smoke less than a gram daily and oil doesnt hit that hard its just long as fuck.that was when i licked a whole spoon after finishing cooking the oil

Everyone has different experiences
If I vape a bowl while an edible is in my system it's lights out
Others feel no increase in the effect
Its all about the enzymes in your liver
Everyone possesses, has a lack of the enzymes or somewhere in the middle
Thus all the differing experiences
Eating a meal before your edible and the first pass theory, priming your liver to metabolize as much if the cannabinoids as possible
No hard science yet but they are getting there, takes time for clinical trials
Been a while since I read it but I believe the idea was to eat a fatty meal beforehand and then the edible 30 minutes later
Don't quote me but I think that's close
Believe it helped with the absorption somehow
Info has changed since then as more experiences have been posted
Very interesting material but back burner for now