Heavy watering every 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.

Wanted to know your thoughts on giving the pots a heavy watering/some kind of flush every 3 weeks.

Im taking about watering with 50-100% of pot total volume.

I'm using salts and feeding once a week.
Mix in pots is: 50% potting mix, 30% perlite, 20% earth worm castings.

I run a cycle of Feed, Water, Water, Water, Feed. The weeks I feed (Week 1 of Veg, week 1 and 5 of Flower) will be 300 ppm, 400ppm, 500 ppm. Watering includes supplements as needed. Good luck mate, Cheers.
Forgot to say i am watering everyday due to oversized root mass for the pots i am using. Everytime i have around 10% runoff
I would do a full watering everyone in a while. I've seen many student friends an colegue water the plants and some partial watering dose the trick sometime. But more often you see an imbalance of water feeding arout the root. (some area might remain dry for long time while other side might be wet). And a full watering help breakdown salt built up and assure a full roit watering has at least been done.. I suggest doing this watering wuth nutrient. So you don't compketly remove nutient from medium. But ratter break up salt built up and exanging it with a freshly made batch.. Use dunking metode.. Dunk the root completly under water and hold and watch thecair bubble pop out.. Once its all done 1-2 minutes maybe more. It always depends. Once its stopped it completly saturated. You can let drain and put back in grow area. That's how i feed my plants later on in flowering. To maje sure i get even watering distribution