

alright so im new to the forum obviously, im actually pretty much new to cannabis, weed, whatever you wanna call it. ive only smoked twice but only cause i rarely ever get the chance to smoke........unfortunately.
im really interested in reading and learning about marijuana and other substances. umMmMmm i dont know what else to say im really awkward at these introductions.


Well-Known Member
Lol well you did fine with it hello you will find mostly info on growing mostly what kinda info are you looking for? If you just want a bit of history read cannabis a history very informative and feel free to ask me any questions I've been smoking 8yrs and am about to harvest my first grow welcome


info about anything really, i have nothing better to do these days so im just reading random threads on the board right now. also maybe making some friends or something would be nice. despite the fact that saying it sounds so lame? but whatever!


Well-Known Member

Lots of good people around so look for the best information and don't worry!


Well-Known Member
No doesn't sound lame lol sounds like you deek knowledge that is a good thing and you've come to the right place riu is awesome I have learned alot


alright awesome :) im like a total n00b when it comes to this stuff, only a few of my friends smoke and i rarely get to see them. if theres anyone else from ny here feel free to pm me!


Well-Known Member
We all started out a single cell and now look where we are. The same is true in learning to cultivate cannabis. The important thing is to keep moving forward on it.
