Height Issue


so i have a tight little set up with a blue mystic and an autoflowering dwarf something, and a "super silver haze" that i got from a pretty shitty website.

the problem i have is that the blue is LST-ed so its nice and short, and the dwarf is going to stay small. but this sativa strain is just shooting up like crazy and well i dont want to raise the lights just because of it and maybe sacrifice proper light for the others.

any ideas what i can do?

what happend if i just chop the top (yeah i know, im not too worried about this one being a big yielder) how much damage does that do

also for the sativa i tied a string around the bottom branches to kinda hold eveything together. thought it was a pretty kool trick dont know anyone else thats done that.

thanks for looking



Active Member
it looks like u r only about two and a half weeks into bud, i would cut her head off right where she stops being bushy and has that long neck. she will be fine and the rest of the buds and plant will bush out after her head is off. do it sooner than later


Active Member
if u wanna keep the top colla just bend her sideways with a string or lightly pinch where u wanna bend her and bend down at the pinch in both directions to softly break down the stem and make a cruchy sound, be careful not to break off, and she will gro a bud sideways at the top and start to branch vertically from there also. this is good when restricted to height or want larger buds further down the plant without loosing the top colla