Height of girls


I've been told that certain strains will only so high. Is this the case or will all strains reach the height in which they have or are aloud.
That being said if you allow ya girl to reach 1.5 mtres does that automatically mean you will have super long flowers.
I value your opinion all....



Well-Known Member
I am not sure but, suspect that the lack or replies is that we (Americans), don't understand your question. At least I don't.


Well-Known Member
I've been told that certain strains will only so high. Is this the case or will all strains reach the height in which they have or are aloud.
That being said if you allow ya girl to reach 1.5 mtres does that automatically mean you will have super long flowers.
I value your opinion all....

yes, there are dwarf strains that only grow 12 to 18 inches (give or take)

as for a 1.5 meter plant (4.5 feet for our American friend)....that's rather tall for an indoor....but if you got the space, why not


brillant stuff thanks very much for that. Got my next set of girls going in soon. Learnt a lot in the last one...gonna try some slighty different lights arrangments this time.
I have the space to try the height....
Cheers ISK.....grow strong eh


Well-Known Member
Basically you have INDICA strains and SATIVA strains.
Indica plants are ALWAYS shorter plants, Sativa plants are ALWAYS larger plants even double the size.
The height of your plant doesnt determine the length of your flower period that comes down to strain.
If indoor. your better off looking into high and low stress training techniques, such as monstercropping/topping/FIM.
As that is truly the best way to utilize your space, unless you have unlimited area.


Well-Known Member
I've been told that certain strains will only so high. Is this the case or will all strains reach the height in which they have or are aloud.
That being said if you allow ya girl to reach 1.5 mtres does that automatically mean you will have super long flowers.
I value your opinion all....

Bud development along the stem is strain related. Nodal spacing is also a point in getting the buds to form one long cola along the stem. That is more important than plant height if you are trying for long buds.


Brilliant stuff. Thanks hotrod and dope very useful and valuable pieces of information. My girls are supposed to be cheese but being new Im not show how i would be able to tell. I would upload photos but still havent worked out how to do this safely lol....paranoid is right



Well-Known Member
As people stated above by the genetic make up of different species and strains of cannabis have different potentially for height ( I wouldn't say set in stone or limited to a certain amount ). Indicas tend to be shorter and Sativas tend to be higher. How ever most strains you will get your hands on tend to be a mix of the two. There are dwarf varieties too if you need the space saving for a closet grow.


Well-Known Member
I like them to be under 5' and thin so I can pick up and throw them around in bed and stuff. and their little hands make my dick look big.