Height of plants i should expect


Active Member

I grow some plants outside on my balcony, those are aurora indica and haze19 x skunk with pots of 9 inch. At this time the hight is about 45 inch, due to my location in central europe i expect beginning of flowering end of september ( 28th of sep = 12/12). So, what is the maximum height i have to expect the plants could grow up? I would like to know this for safety reasons. I cut the top of the plants 3 weeks ago (see pic), maybe i can cut them again, and how should i do this?

Regards, Martin



Well-Known Member
It will get very big martin, especially when it starts to flower. I would recommend LST. Its where you tie your plant down a bit, so instead of growing up, it grows to the side. You could FIM it as well, but that thing is going to get pretty big man.

Go to FAQS and look up pruning. It will have instructions on how to LST, and FIM.

Goodluck mate : )

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
you have 9 inch pots.. is that 3 gallons? and the plants are already 48 inches tall? you should consider transplanting... that is very big for a 3 gallon container..

pictures please :)



Well-Known Member
GK....I was looking at the DVDs you have in your signature...How helpful are they to a new grower? Will it be information overload?

Thinking about ordering one...then saw the price for both...so I'd buy both if I bought any of them.

The cost of a decent pack of seeds. Not bad if its actually helpful.


Well-Known Member
I like the green guy on youtube. Most of his information is helpful. Most of growing is trial and error. In my experience I learned more by messing up than I ever did from watching any video.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately Ive avoided alot of major mistakes with this 1st grow. A couple small ones....nothing major.

I wouldnt look for a video to teach me to grow...just looking for information I havent heard before. For some reason I cant view the GreenMan video. I think I need to download some new video player.


Active Member

And thank you for your interest and useful advice!
The pots are 9 inch diameter and 7,8 inch height, don´t know how much gallons that is...?
Unfortunately i am limited in space, otherwise i would get some bigger pots, sigh....
Yes, i have the feeling since two weeks they would like to become kind of monsters! Don´t know why, started to fertilze them 4 weeks ago with some sticks from the nearby drugstore, usually used for tomatoes (pic)
Now I will read the faq mentioned above and report frequently.
Regards, Martin




Active Member
@ BloodShotI´z : maybe you have to sign youtube

@ SmokerE : Thanks for the video, interesting! (I guess I need to move to a bigger place...)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
wow...nice healthy plants.. look a bit stretched or maybe they are male.. yikes.. i hope not.. is it sativa? or bag seed...?

they look very healthy... you will defintiley need to offer them additional support once buds start to form..

thanks for the pic and please keep us posted!!!


Active Member

Made a little journal, numbers of pictures = date.
# 06-12 shows the dried cut tops after fermentation, i tested just to get a feeling how i should handle fermentation, well, the taste was not that good, but totally unexpected i got somehow stoned, not that big deal, but i was happy my refregerator had something to offer! Surprise, surprise, everything i read before told me that there would be NOTHING inside what could make any effect.....

Regards, Martin

Pics here: http://www.verwegenermartin.de/Fotos/growjournal/index.html


Active Member
High all!

I found some information at How To Grow Marijuana Outdoors
it says: "Marijuana can reach a height of twenty feet (or would you rather wish on a star) and obtain a diameter of 4 1/2 inches.

I cant´t beleave it!
Concerning the fact, growing on a balcony means growing outdoors under protected conditions and cosidering they are planted in pots i expect thy would not get that maximum height, but still try to "reach the stars"...
What do you experts mean???

Regards, Martin (listening to Sweet Smoke - Just a Poke (1970)


Well-Known Member
yep 20ft and 4 1/2 inches. Iv read this alot but never ever seen anything past 12ft. This is an Old Mother Sativa, the largest strain i know of developed by an Australian grower by the name of KOG.
I would love! to see a 20ft Sativa.


Active Member

I´m still not sure what i have to expect, the plants were now 75 inch tall and have 14 inch until they reach the ceiling (pic 1). As you might see in the second pic, they now transform from veg to flowering (well i think so as this is my first grow, people from this board told me they are changing now...).
OK, it´s said, the plants will get even bigger when flowering, what does this mean exactly, will they grow more up (what means i have to DO something like LST) or does it mean they will get more like a bunch and not reaching the ceiling?
Any comments to enlight my brain are welcome!



Peace, Martin


Active Member
Please, all sophistic growers, i beg your advice, look at my previous post..., i need to know what´s coming up, for example if i do the LST (is that in fact possible at this stage of growing?) i have to remove at least two plants as there is not enough space besides them....

Thanks in advance, and Peace, Martin