Height Question


Active Member
So I've got a strawberry cough coming up on it's third week of flowering. It vegged for 5 weeks and was topped in it's 3rd week.

The thing is enormous in terms of height. I could move the light up every other day if I wanted but I'm trying not to thinking it might control height as I am running out of room.

So my question is...

If I leave the light where it is now (or only raise it another 6-8 inches over 6 weeks) and continue to flower for another 6 weeks or so will the plant simply grow into the light or will the plant sense the light and stop growing?

I totally underestimated this plant:lol:


Well-Known Member
no, lol, it is not going to stop until its damn well ready, so yes it would grow into the light. ur option would be to tie it back to the side of the light now & then let it start growing in reaching it, this will control it somewhat.


Active Member
no, lol, it is not going to stop until its damn well ready, so yes it would grow into the light. ur option would be to tie it back to the side of the light now & then let it start growing in reaching it, this will control it somewhat.
...damnit, I figured that but for some reason I swear I read that they would stop or at least slow the closer they got to the light due to heat. Meh, whatever, need to fix it...

Well maybe I'll try to move it this week to a more spacious locale...


Well-Known Member
i can tell u that just aint so, the grow I just finished with did the same damn thing to me, lol. I tied it back, it grew back to the light, past the light and finally I had no choice but to lay it actually on the side of the reflector. all but the top inch received light in the end. Yes, if u have a possible alternate location, that would be great & ur best option for sure. good luck.


Well-Known Member
omg, that is all that prick has been doing ALL night is posting his video links in thread after thread.


Active Member
omg, that is all that prick has been doing ALL night is posting his video links in thread after thread.
all in context to posts if it is in the main wording like this one "Height Question"... and how to raise the lights all i do is try to help him so he wont have to keep raising the lights and possibly yield more and you call me that name? wow ok thanks. All I am trying to do is spread the love of how I have gotten better with proven results and if you want to try it do it cool if not o well you just keep doing what your doing..... I am sorry I offended you by being excited on how well this worked for me and thought if I gave someone a hint that helped maybe they will give me one in return. So to everyone else only trying to help people benefit more and be honest from my past results. I thought that is what we are all here for.


Active Member
Looks like LST to me. It's an option no doubt but my concern with it is the tops of the colas growing past the light and them not getting direct light and affecting their size and maturity.


I appreciate your posting as I do not want to top my plant, she is in 12/12. Thanks, it helps this new grower (old smoker).


Active Member
I appreciate your posting as I do not want to top my plant, she is in 12/12. Thanks, it helps this new grower (old smoker).
I am glad it helps. Trying to give as much good info as possible as I have learned there is a lot of bad info on here so to show you how well it does for me, I just made a video.


Active Member
Looks like LST to me. It's an option no doubt but my concern with it is the tops of the colas growing past the light and them not getting direct light and affecting their size and maturity.
Here is some detailed info for your about your concern. This may help you out. Well I hope it does.

I really hope this helps in your decision or gives you any help at all.

To start, let me explain just what low stress training is. In the thread I will refer to it as (LST). All a training is, is making your plant do something you want.The best part about LST, is the key "Low Stress". It doesn't stress your plant nearly as bad as other training methods exe. Topping. All LST involves doing is the tieing or staking down of a plants top/uppermost growth shoots in order to get more top growths. This bends the plant over and spreads the light to the undermost parts of your plants. When you do this, it makes the undergrowth bush out as well. However, spreading the light isn't what makes your plant bush out.

I can not stress enough the importance of this word. Auxins, as defined in the science world are a type of plant growth hormone. In marijuana, they are the most import hormone when it comes to vegetative growth. In an untrained, regular marijuana plant, the auxins are most heavily distributed to the top/uppermost growth. The plant identifies this growth as its top and strives to grow it up towards the light more than the other lower growths. This is where LST comes into play. When you bend a plants top growth over, the plant identifies that it's top growth is no longer growing up, and it works to gain a new top growth. In essence, the auxins spread throughout your whole plant and this creates new growth along your nodes that have the potential to be equal to a "top bud or cola". Here is an example on the growth a plant recieves from the auxins being redistributed via. LST.

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Please take note at the new growth between the nodes. This is the work of the auxins. Also, take a look in the last picture as to where the original "top growth" is, and where the new top growth is. The plant created new ones. When flowering, this will give you more top buds, but less smaller popcorn buds that formed along the bottom of a regular grown plant. This particular LST grow was done with a smaller plant, but you can do it with large plants like in the video link I will post at the bottom.

Now, let's take a look at the reasons why we LST.

1. Space- Many of times growers do not have the space to allow their plant to grow through the vegetative and flowering phase straight up (PC grows, attic grows, box grows). This is where LST comes into play. By tieing/staking down your plant, instead of growing vertically your plant grows horizontally, allowing your plant to still develop to maturity without growing up against your lights..

2. Light- As a plant grows upward towards the light, you constantly have to move your lighting fixture up to keep from burning your plant. As your light gets higher up, it gets further away from your bottom nodes and leaves. This can cause for more scraggly buds and leaves on the bottom of your plant, and put a dent in your harvest. This is especially true when you have lower powered lights(t5, CFLs, etc.)However, if you LST your plant sort of grows horizontally, allowing all of your budsites that grow up to be more exposed to the light. You will still have upward growth, just not as much depending on how long you let your new growth shoots grow before flowering, or LSTing the new growth down.

3. Stealth- Many of times those outdoor plants you have growing by the fence in the backyard just get too tall. What to do? Instead of growing up, just grow horizontally. This can keep those pesky neighbors from knowing that you have more than tomatoes growing in the yard.

Last but not least, let's learn how to LST. LST can be done in many fashions. I will first explain how to do it the easiest and most inexpensive way that if you make a mistake it does not kill you financially or make you re do hours of work. /SIZE]

The Closehanger
For this method, all you need is a closehanger, wirecutters, some string or wire, and a piece of ducttape. This is for younger and smaller plants and very cost effective and easy way to do it. I use only netting string and PVC pipe as I find it is easy to cut the PVC and you can leave the legs in your tray as it will not rot in water and works well when your plants increase in size.

Step 1: Cut your closehanger into straight pieces (8-12 inches depending on how tall your plant is). You want the top of the closehanger to be anywhere from 4-6 inches below the top of your plant.

Step 2: Put a Crook or a bend in the end of the closehanger piece. This allows you to put the 2nd node down from the top of your plant under it.

Step 3: This is called the countertie, and is probably one of the most important steps. Take your string or wire and make you a piece long enough to reach from the base of your plant to the edge of your pot. Tie your string or wrap your wire about 3 inches up the base of your plant and run it to the edge of the pot. Don't pull on the plant, just make sure it isn't loose. Tape the other end of the wire/string to your pot. This gives a counter resistance to your LST so that your plant doesn't get uprooted on the stake down.

Step 4: Place your closehanger in the dirt of your pot, with the crooked end up.

Step 5: GENTLY bend your plants top over and place it under the closehanger.
View attachment 1171859
Step 6: As your original top growth, and new top shoots begin to grow up, you can continue to stake them down and get lots of new growth. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the bushiness and amount of top shoots that are on your plant. At this point you may let your plant grow as tall as you want or just switch to 12/12. I reccomend for indoor growers with limited space, as soon as you have the amount of top shoots you want that you switch to 12/12 as the plant will bush out incredibly if you continue to veg.

That is just the way I do LST. I'm not saying it's the best way, or it's the most effective. It's all a matter of personal preference. There are many other ways to do this including.

1. Screw and string Method- This simply involves screwing screws into the lip of your pot all the way around (8-12 of them). You then tie your plants top down to the screw nearest it with string. As new top growths emerge, keep tieing them down to screws around the pot of course bigger plants require a different setup like mine or similar.

2. Weighting- All you need to do here, is get some sort of a weight (Fishing weights, clips, or anything your plant can't lift). You then tie a string to this weight, and tie it to your top node. It pulls it down, and as new top growths appear tie them down with more weights until you have the desired amount of new upper growths.

3.Object Tieing- For bigger outdoor or indoor plants, you can find some sort of an object that the plant can't move, like PVC pipe or something else that is not easily broken and can support the weight of the colas and being able to handle the string being tied tightly to each end with out bowing inward or breaking.

As you can see, there are tons of ways to LST. When it comes to Low Stress Training, there really is no wrong way. Just tie your plant down, spread the auxins, and watch the new growth.

I really hope this helps people better understand LST and get a better feel of what to do when it comes to training their plant and here is the link to my grow using this technique.
