Height Restrictions & Air Flow

Im after getting a 5inch cool-tube for my 400watt hps light and have a 6inch home made carbon filter attached to it.

My closet is 5ft by 4.5ft by 4ft.The fan i calculated i needed was around 180m3/h so i just got an inline TT fan with
settings of 230m3/h and 280m3/h.


When i turn my fan on full i was expecting a good sucksion of air through the filter but theirs not,I can feel it pulling
air in a bit but not alot.Should i be worried or will it do so filter works efficiently and light keeps cool???

My other problem i have is height.I only have 3 ft from top of pot to cooltube.If i just bend them when they get to
the light will that be efficient.


oh im growing blueberry autos.....

Happy Growing:joint:


Active Member
You shouldnt have a problem with height all. Tie those bad bitches down if they start to get too tall. As far as the fan goes i dunno sorry.