

Well-Known Member
yeah choppers wont find your crop unless they are trying too, they hover really low and reaaaaaaly slow, you will know one when you see it, i saw a special on tv about it and they also had a guy hanging out the side with binoculars. i think it would be pretty obvious that they are doing it, also unless you live in the emerald triangle or some other big growing area chances are they don't even search. maybe if somone tips them off to a big patch in a corn field or something...


Active Member
Yeah all the high tech cop bull shit is pretty over rated, most cops and narcotic enforcment teams rely on word of mouth and tips. Thats why the best advice for growing is keep your f\'ing mouth shut. Narcs and loud mouth friends are your worst enemy. Even all the talk of people getting busted because of an electric bill is kinda BS. If you stealing electricity or your growing a shit ton of herb under a bunch of lights are how you are going to get caught. With all the house hold electronics people have today(computers, monitors, big screen tvs, air conditioning)its really tough to bust someone for using too much power. All that stuff uses a lot of power. You put a couple computer nerds in a house with 4 or 5 computers, monitors big screens and A/C and you are going to be using a ton of juice. And its pretty risking for LEO to get a warrant just based on electricity bills. It looks really bad for the cops to bust doors down only to find a nerd fest LAN party going on. This is just my experience with busts in my area, most are because of nosy neighbors and blabber mouths telling the wrong person. Nonetheless, play it safe and watch your ass.
Lol. Well said :hump:


Well-Known Member
Every summer I see coast guard and regular helicopters flying around looking for crops. the coast guard work with state and county pigs to find weed in August through September here in Michigan. they didn't find my plants last year even though they were hovering right over my grow spot...talk about stressful!!!


Active Member
yeahhhh....... they use IR to look for houses with a lot of grow lights cause they're intense... you know how easy it is to find a meth lab or something just by using IR's? But yeah... a chopper wont find your shit unless they see it with their eyes. I have choppers everywhere around here... but that's also cause i live near a helicopter factory.


Well-Known Member
My friend is soldier Canadian Forces ,,Professional.I must ask him what i can do.Something must exist like foil or photo foil what cop cant see with infrared.I let you know.


Well-Known Member
Funny you all mentioned. I live out in the boonies and the other day a Trooper drove by my place kind of creeping. I got all paranoid and then just laughed. 4 plants is all i have. Tonite i will move them just to be safe.



Well-Known Member
some thing caught my attention when i was at work today driving down the street, theres a feild then a forest on the other side of it with a helicopter hovering really low over it, i know it wasnt a landing spot because its someones farm, and then one of my co workers said it might be a grow op, and she told me that the plants give off heat that the helicopters dectect. is this true or bs? i always thought they just saw plants when flying by.
Yea they do have some type of infared device. They float by my house and i just film them sometimes. I grow outdoors and i just think that alot of rookies be on board with other veteran coppers' and they show the newbies all people's sites to just trip off them. I got four in the yard that's well over six feet ! KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Most outdoor growers scatter their plants around under (pine trees)these trees give off the same heat signiture as mj plants @ night.Plus provide great nute's.If it were me?I would start a project outside such a raking,cleaning windows,painting,etc.just to be seen outside doing something constructive when they fly by.Had the same thing happen when I lived in NC mountains.After they saw me working in the yard.The fly by's stopped.


Well-Known Member
I have problem with military Helicopter 3 times i see this Heli..Flying around my roof building .But nobody do nothing.Its just bad luck or cops know something?But with 250w hps 3 plants ????

Rod Blagojevich

Well-Known Member
If you grow somewhat not to far away from an airport isn't that a no fly zone.....dude don't be worried I have 400 w and there is whirly birds every fucking where I am usually standing outside smoking a joint when i see them i like to make sure if it is green=army (common) white/red = medvac(common) white/yellow=State police (never seen around here)