HellaHigh's Closet Grow Thread - Start to Finish.


This is my first time posting and I wanted to formally introduce myself and show your guys my little grow operation.

I know that I am going to have a lot of questions so please bear with me as this is my first time growing. :bigjoint:

It was the beginning of the April when a good friend of mine gave me 7 seeds that he just happened to have laying around. I took those seven seeds and placed them in a small cup filled with distilled water and left them in a dark place for 24 hours. When I checked on them the next day they had all sunken to the bottom of the glass just I was told they would.

Next I bought some Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting soil.

I placed each seed in a dixie cup and cut 4 small slits in the bottom of the cup for drainage and ventilation. Having the those slits will also make it easier to transplant.

I then went to Lowes and set myself up, I decided to buy a double 24'' florescent light, two "cool white" bulbs, some mini chain, a timer and I already had an extension cord. In total, with the soil, I spent about $60.00.

So far 5 out of the original 7 seeds have grown.
Three of the plants had started to lean, probably due to their top heaviness, so I propped them up using Q-tipps.

I have had them on a 18/6 hour light schedule but after reading up I have decided that 24/0 might be a more efficient schedule.
(I would still like to hear your opinions about 18/6 vs 24/0)

They will be transplanted to bigger pots in the next day or two.

Let me know what you think.
They are about 17 days old...

Thanks for looking. Comments, criticisms and questions are appreciated.

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
oo man those are stretching, no worries just bury them deeper when transplanting! looks good though move that light 1" from the plants it wont hurt em


I dropped the lights down, its about an inch above them now.

Do you think they are ready to be transplanted now? I was planning on buying some new plastic buckets for them today.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking nice man :)

May want to think about some more wattage when it comes to flowering.

Look great and very well taken care of so far.


I transplanted them into those 1 gallon pots about two weeks ago...

My question is do you think I'll need to transplant them again? I want to start flowering in about another 3 to 4 weeks, depending on how much more they can grow by then.