

Ok had these plants indoors moving to a new appt couldnt take em with me

so we decided to put them outdoors.

The plants were between 3 - 5 feet tall still in veg stage but ready for flowering indoors.

because they were in such a small area some of them were not in the best of shape ... wilted leaves in the bottom parts of the plants.

i moved them outdoors in a semi shady area but still gets a lot of sun.

these plants have been in the ground 2 days and are starting to keel over ... there are 15 of these plants and i do not want to lose them...

The night we planted it was wet. So we did not water. now this is the second 28 degree day and the plants are not looking hot some brown leaves ... many green leaves but theyd ont loook strong.

Someone save these plants give me some advice to bring these babys back


Well-Known Member
Did you just use the ground soil or did you mix up your own and put it down there? If you used the ground soil there's your answer right there I'm thinking. I hope not. Good luck bud


I did use ground soil.

I just went out and bought some nice soil im gona coat on top with some 10 - 10 - 10

and they are lacking water.

I also need to prune the dead shit away ... I will take some pictures of before and after hopefully i havnt killed these plants ...


Well-Known Member
Your problem is transplant shock, the tomato cage idea isn't a bad one. Temperature change or ground soil could be a factor, but most likely the dirt got really disturbed during transit. If it was anything besides transplant shock, it happened REALLY fast.

Best thing you can do is maintain ground moisture and hope man. Be more gentle next time you xplant, pretty much any movement shears roots inside the soil. They're looking pretty rough man, good luck.


Well now that i have watered and added some nicer soil i am hoping that does the trick and its supposed to rain tomorrow nite fingers crossed


Okay ... So news from my last actions (Watering and adding 10-10-10 mix + soil)

2 out of the 8 plots have almost made a full recovery beautiful creatures (couldnt take pics cuz it was night time)
The other 6 look like they are starting to recover but still a little early to tell yet

only a day and a half since last maint.

It also sprinkled a bit tonight and cooled things down ...

lots of rain in the forcast ... hope it does more good than bad ... fingers crossed.

By the way guys if there are any tips or tricks things i can add to make my plants bigger please im welcome to suggestions ... im a first grower!


New Member
This is more of a question even though it will seem an advice ;) I´ve had agricultural school, and what we learned 30 years ago was that when transplanting you should water the ground/pot prior to planting, then let it all dry out to stimulate the roots so that they will start searching for water. This should make them growing, and taking a grip in new soil. Is this totally BS with Maria?



8 Days since transplant

This is what 90 percent of the plots look like right now

I apologize in advance for the quality of the pictures



Doing a quick stress pull on the stems seems the roots have taken place and the stalks are healthy.

There is a lot of dead shit in the lower part of the plants but only because they were in poor lighting indoors

Again feedback and prayers are welcome to keep this gonja bush growing


New Member
They are alive, that is a good start at least. Think that should indicate that they´ve adapted, but they still seem quite burned, do they have shade at all or heavy sun morning to evening? However check the symptom threads and you may diagnosticate yourself based on pics.

Are you in vicinity of others? Neighbours and so on? If so be carefull taking pics at night, much more suspicious with a flash at night then a pic at daytime.... :)


thanks buddy ... ive got some nice update pics still to post and a nice lil video

so stayyy tuned for more updates