

Well-Known Member
Hey pickleman,

Sorry bro, but it looks like you have the dreaded (bum bum buuuuum) spidermite. My friend just installed a new HPS system and was asking me about why her plants have spots all over them. She doesn't use ferts (she has awesome organic soil), so its not nute burn. And she uses water with perfect Ph. I checked it out, looked under the bottom of the leafs, and I saw white specks all nect to the vains, looked on top then noticed little specks of grey moving around. Then misted lightly with water and saw a field of microscopic webs. We just finished applying safers since its still in the vegitative stage.

Good luck. Act now!

If BlessAmerica says spidermites then I bet it is spidermites. I looked at the pics and it looks just like what I have going on with my plants. Just do as he said to do with the misting of water. It will show you a bunch of little webs. I'm treating the problem with "Safers" as according to the GrowFAQ. Good Luck with those pesky pests.