Helllp! Cant fig it out..pics included


Active Member
so I can flood for this long even with the rockwool? im thinking it could be root rot even though im not sure what it looks like. if It is root rot then I should just water with plane h2o for about 4 or 5 days and then go bk to 700 ppm?


so I can flood for this long even with the rockwool? im thinking it could be root rot even though im not sure what it looks like. if It is root rot then I should just water with plane h2o for about 4 or 5 days and then go bk to 700 ppm?
Yea the more I look at this the more I'm certain this is root rot, I wouldnt increase your watering just yet. You'll have to get rid of as much of the algae, if possible, to save these babies and fix what started it. What I would do is get a large amount of h2o2 for each plant. 10% or less will have the pH level you need. If you cant see your roots, you wont be able to find where the root rot at the most so you'll just want to get the entire root zone and wash them clean. Dont feed anything either, just pure pH'd RO water, anything else will feed the root rot. Go through and run the h2o2 through each plants root zone. let it sit for about 5 mins then runs clean water through and drain. If your run off has brown flakes in it then its 100% root rot and you'll want to do this flush a couple times. For the next week wash the roots with h2o2 and the rockwool cube! Then water and drain until you see no more brown flakes in your run off. Then you can start back up, I'd say continue from week three, this unfortunately set you back

Is you setup a bucket filled entirely with hydroton? Hyrdoton clay rocks are nice but retain a good amount of moisture and if you started running you humidifier that will slow down the evaporation of left over water after you drain. In which, will promote growth of root rot with the aid of all those dead leaves and the heat increases. Hygrozyme advertises it offers enzymes that can break down dead material and produce nutrients that are beneficial to plant growth...idk if it works but at this point just wash with h2o2. Best bet next time is to just avoid this by cleaning away fallen and dead leaves from the garden and having good drainage. If you cant get all the water out of your system you should prob get net pots and let the roots and hang to dry faster and wont have. This will let you see the roots a well as play with the humidity and temps, while noting root health. I think what will stop this from happing again is covering the meduim with something like Reflextic. This will stop light and heat from getting to the hydroton and will allow light to reflect back up to lower nodes. Just keep in mind with lights off humidity will go up, with High humidities it will make for slower drying of the medium. If kept at high humidities n heat with food (dead leaves and nutes) water that hasn't drain and light...root rot.


so I can flood for this long even with the rockwool? im thinking it could be root rot even though im not sure what it looks like. if It is root rot then I should just water with plane h2o for about 4 or 5 days and then go bk to 700 ppm?
Root rot does what it's doing to your leaves, showing under/over-watering signs and deficiencies. To be 100% you'll have to see your roots, they'll be covered in a brow slim. It will make root stick together and bunch up in a slime ball. It is a living algae that grows on roots blocking them from taking in any nutrients and feeds of the nutes itself. It will continue to grow and cover the entire roots in the brown slim and will raise the pH levels. So in the case that some roots are damaged, then the water they're taking in is on a bad pH level locking out other nutes. Right now clean with h2o2 to get ride of the root rot, damaged roots wont come back but new growth will appear. Once you're clear of the root rot, start feeding with something like superthrive or something with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to help new root growth


Active Member
wow.. you have a lot going on there. if you suspect root rot, take a look at the roots. should be quite easy with your system. root rot makes your roots appear brown and slimy (opposed to white and fuzzy) and it will often smell bad. just google some pics. why do you use 850ppm while dutchmasters recommends 1100/1500? http://www.dutchmaster.com.au/?language=english&page=growers_guide&topic=feed_charts
I was having problems with the nutes rising way above that. came on here and posted about it and several ppl said to not go by wats on the label...now that I think I have root rot that would explain with the nutes weren't going anywhere causing the ppm to continue to rise.


Active Member
What I would do is get a large amount of h2o2 for each plant. 10% or less will have the pH level you need. If you cant see your roots, you wont be able to find where the root rot at the most so you'll just want to get the entire root zone and wash them clean. Dont feed anything either, just pure pH'd RO water, anything else will feed the root rot.
Is you setup a bucket filled entirely with hydroton?
called my local hydro shop and he recommended 29% that they have there. said to mix in with reg nutes and just water normally. yes I am using hydroton in a bucket.


called my local hydro shop and he recommended 29% that they have there. said to mix in with reg nutes and just water normally. yes I am using hydroton in a bucket.
Hey if it works! I just like to be delicate with my roots they'll be under a lot of stress but sounds like it will work fine.


Yup that's root rot, they should be white and not covered in anything. Feel it, try and pull some off =) but might as well just dip that entire root ball in a h2o2 solution . Find something that will fit all the roots and rockwool soak it for couple mins, clean them with then find somewhere to let it air dry without damaging the roots. You'll want to clean out your system and the rest of your hydroton rocks before you place them back in...if you're continuing with them?

allen bud

Active Member
I dont grow hydro but i have used the clay balls before and they hold water for a long time.It could be the roots never get or dont get enough air during non watering time ,and dont dry enough causing root rot?maybe


Active Member
Yup that's root rot, they should be white and not covered in anything. Feel it, try and pull some off =) but might as well just dip that entire root ball in a h2o2 solution . Find something that will fit all the roots and rockwool soak it for couple mins, clean them with then find somewhere to let it air dry without damaging the roots. You'll want to clean out your system and the rest of your hydroton rocks before you place them back in...if you're continuing with them?
so I should take them out instead of flooding the whole system with the h2o2 like the shop said?


got the 29%
Nice, either will work fine, the 29% will work better of course though might cost more. If your grow shop recommends to continue feeding as usually just with a peroxide mix then go for it. Though I would recommend thoroughly cleaning the entire hydro system, all hydroton clay rocks and the root zone with h2o2 and pure h2o before feeding. All the root rot must be killed and removed or it will come back instantly, if provided the same environment. Do what you think would be best just remember to be very delicate with the roots, so much stress already, anymore can call for hermies. Make sure to run the h2o2 through your pump and tubing thoroughly as well. Also, cover the top of the medium from the light, i've seen paper towels used till finances came in, This will more than likely prevent anymore out breaks by blocking the light, even with high humidity's or heat.

Hope this helps and good luck with the rest of this grow man!! =)


Active Member
thanks man I really appreciate all the help. I def will keep you updated on progress. yeah he told me to just run it through a few times a week until I see change. he said running It thru would help kill everything in the entire system. basically the same thing ur saying just not separate. man I'll tell u and anyone else who deals with that stuff...BE CAREFUL. got some on my hands and it BURNS. burned for damn near 2hrs and here it is 5 hrs later and I still feel some tingle..this stuff potent. if running it thru doesn't work i'll try ur way. either way, im glad I found the cause..now on to the fix!


thanks man I really appreciate all the help. I def will keep you updated on progress. yeah he told me to just run it through a few times a week until I see change. he said running It thru would help kill everything in the entire system. basically the same thing ur saying just not separate. man I'll tell u and anyone else who deals with that stuff...BE CAREFUL. got some on my hands and it BURNS. burned for damn near 2hrs and here it is 5 hrs later and I still feel some tingle..this stuff potent. if running it thru doesn't work i'll try ur way. either way, im glad I found the cause..now on to the fix!
No problem man, glad I could help! You should be good in no time then, let me know how they turn out...wow get gloves but good to know, never went too high on h2o2 % but now I wanna =\ hah


Active Member
ok back with another question..should I increase the amount of times I water now. only watering 3x a day. veg doing a drip setup. drip for about 15 min each time and as said before, when flowering flood em 3x a day for 3min each time. was just curious if I should increase the amount of x's I water since I don't have those 4inchers anymore. some are looking really thirsty and dry during the repair phase in my veg room. went with ur advice and completely changed all nutes and redid everything

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
My system uses two 1/2 hour cycles every twenty-four hours. I use an upper and lower res and during the last seven minutes of the cycle the water reaches the table and starts to flood the table. I set the timer so it cuts out shortly after the float valve shuts down the electronic valve with a flow rate adjust attached to the output of the upper res. When the timer cuts out the pump pumps the water back to the upper res from the lower res. From the the time the table starts to fill up to the time the table is drained is approximately 15 minutes overall. The water comes in at the highest point in the bed and exits kitty corner at the lowest point of the table.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
never heard of making plastic reflectors. should I do that with the rockwool cubes?
I cut pieces about 8"x 8" from that black one side reflective plastic and make a slit and a hole in the center to accomodate the stalk and place the white side up like a carpet over the cube and the hydroton. This helps protect the roots from exposure to light and hold down moisture. I have learned that the Ideal size for rockwool cubes are 2"x 2" which I cut from slab.