Hello Admin :wave:



I am sorry for my incompitence but I am unable to find a way to delete my account, could one of you fine site admins please assist me in deleting my account or better yet show me how I can do so myself. TY in advance


Well-Known Member

We do not delete accounts, if you wish to stop posting and logging in you can do that but deletion of accounts we do not do. It would interupt the flow of a conversation when someone else reads a thread that you were active in.



Well-Known Member

We do not delete accounts, if you wish to stop posting and logging in you can do that but deletion of accounts we do not do. It would interupt the flow of a conversation when someone else reads a thread that you were active in.

So are you saying board setting would not allow the reply to remain as in most other sites? Just curious as I mod at several sites and have not seen a problem deleting account at any of those sites, again just curious?


Hello LT XOXOX, Dcyans Strong Huggz.

I mean no disrespect to you, I however respectfully must ask that you delete my account. I saw no mention of these restrictions when I signed up, as dcyans said this should not be an issue.
This policy is not in line with the privacy and security that ,many persons require, this endeavor we follow is illegal in most states, and considering the fact that this site is apparently housed in the US is a big enough security risk for me to ask that my account be deleted.
I am quite frankly shocked that you have the nerve to refuse to delete my account!


TAP! TAP! TAP! is this thing on?
I asked real nice. please delete my account posthaste.
Again Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
are you scared that they might track your account back to your bedroom with that pot plant growing in the window if they don't delete your acount......... well you could always get banned if you like.....LOL

Buddy unless you are stealing your internet from wardriving (like what I am doing right now, I am parked in town with my laptop enjoying someones highspeed) or someother way, then no matter how much you think you are safe with no record of where you go, you are not, your ISP keeps a log of all packet traffic, and rollitup has gone above and beyond any steps that other people would do, he deletes peoples IP's from their server; if you want to never post here (which was not much) then just stop posting here and find a site that will lie to you and say that you are safe when you are being logged by your ISP which in the US can be turned over to the Feds anytime they have asked (thanks to Bush).



^^^ no, And No, pencil dick!
Any canna site that refuses to delete the account of a person who asks is a menace to the cannabis community.
Are you guys LEo?


New Member
There are growers everywhere, we are the tip of the iceberg. Likewise this site is too in terms of forums related to this subject. The only way to completely wipe your tracks is to destroy your hard drive, smash it up and throw it in a river.

Why so paranoid?


All very disturbing remarks, I doubt many will come to a site that has such policies.

If you are not Leo? you are the most ignorant cannasite on the entire planet.


New Member
All very disturbing remarks, I doubt many will come to a site that has such policies.

If you are not Leo? you are the most ignorant cannasite on the entire planet.
Why's this guy so pissed...? And wtf's leo? Ah, Law Enforcement...

Paranoia is a wonderful thing, it is to be embraced, then analysed till you get to the very tip of its root. If you don't do this paranoia will take control of you and eventually destroy your will to live. I see paranoia on people all the time and I'll admit it makes me smile inside, not at their distress but because I know I am in control of my own mind.

Oh and Widow, don't take this the wrong way but I don't like being labled as an atheist. I prefer to call myself a realist. We all need to get real, turn off your propaganda machines, walk outside and look at the beauty of the world.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Why's this guy so pissed...? And wtf's leo? Ah, Law Enforcement...

Paranoia is a wonderful thing, it is to be embraced, then analysed till you get to the very tip of its root. If you don't do this paranoia will take control of you and eventually destroy your will to live. I see paranoia on people all the time and I'll admit it makes me smile inside, not at their distress but because I know I am in control of my own mind.

Oh and Widow, don't take this the wrong way but I don't like being labled as an atheist. I prefer to call myself a realist. We all need to get real, turn off your propaganda machines, walk outside and look at the beauty of the world.
Hehehe. my bad. Didnt mean to offend you. Keep it real.

I was worried about the server location when I first joined. After talking to a few people I calmed down some. How many people have you heard of getting busted from being on a pot site? I for one can say that rollitup is legit and not a law enforcement. Unless the dea's new thing it to purchase seeds for you. lol.


New Member
wow what a whiney bitch
Yeah. Maybe though his handle is his real name, also his exact address.

Even my e-mail addresses are set up in fake names. I've also got the advantage that I don't grow at my address. Just so's you know Rollitup... Oh God! I can't take it any more, please Rollitup... please don't get them to raid me... Pick on Widow he's got more plants than me.


if that is what you want, not to be able to log in anymore that is fine. Your account will be deleted.
Thats what i want.

Rollitup, please delete my account.



New Member
What you lads seem to be missing out on is that you could just be TOLD that your account has been deleted...

Law enforcement, at least in my country, is under funded and under manned. Most crimes are written off straight away and never investigated, unless it's blatantly obvious who's done it. The only crimes investigated with any degree of seriousness are serious crimes. Law Enforcement just simply doesn't have the resources to investigate everything that is already going on, let alone actually going out and finding even more.

Believe me, you are not at the centre of the world, all eyes are not on you. As, I've stated before paranoia is a wonderful thing, embrace it then learn from it.


if i wanted advice from the peanut gallery i'd ask for it
i want my account to be deleted
keep your advice and shove it


New Member
I wouldn't attempt to give a muppet like you advice as your head is too dense to absorb it properly. What i was doing, was giving you a lesson in life. One day, when you grow-up, it'll suddenly occur to you that skunkushybrid was right after all.


Active Member
What you lads seem to be missing out on is that you could just be TOLD that your account has been deleted...

Law enforcement, at least in my country, is under funded and under manned. Most crimes are written off straight away and never investigated, unless it's blatantly obvious who's done it. The only crimes investigated with any degree of seriousness are serious crimes. Law Enforcement just simply doesn't have the resources to investigate everything that is already going on, let alone actually going out and finding even more.

Believe me, you are not at the centre of the world, all eyes are not on you. As, I've stated before paranoia is a wonderful thing, embrace it then learn from it.

I'm with you...budgets are tight, manpower is limited, priorities are dictated by far more serious crimes. It's not like your peddling pornography here or anything.