Hello all! Im freezing.. My baby's aswell.


Active Member
Hey folks.

Im like a gypsy, I travel the world, from one cuntry to another. Stay there a cuple of years, and then away we go again.
Right now im in Barcelona, Spain. And I'm suprised... Suprised how cold it can be down here.,, Im northern europe myself. So its ofc nothing compared to that. But still cold!!
well I trying to grow my own weed in my apartment that I share with some random people. I want to do it small enough, to pack down when im leaving to another place in the world. And still big enough to provide myself, with the luxurious green plant, we all love so much.
I got almost everything I need. Tent, closet, seeds, pots, soil, nuts , 400W HPS, some random fluorescent's lights balps, etc etc.

So I bought 5 PPP seeds and 5 Moby Dick seeds from a "local" seeds company calld DINAFEM. I heard alot of really good things about these two strains.
So I went home and came to think. "WTF... Its way to cold to germinate these fuckers, without any heat."
I cant use my lights to provide the heat, cause thaat will ruin my plant I heard.

My question is now. Is it posible to moist some paper towels, and drop the seeds in them. Then throw the hole bunch in a tupperware box, and rap the hole thing in some blankets. (Good all papertowel method we know so well) And maby even then turn on the light, to provide heat.)The blankets should keep out the light, and keep in the heat.

Can germination be done in cold weather, without a warm to them?


Well-Known Member
The germination time goes down significantly with a higher temperature. Some seeds will simply not germinate at lower temperatures, and every strain is different. You might consider a small electric heater that is pretty inexpensive to regulate cold temperatures. Using a 400 Watt HPS just to heat up the tupperware will be pretty difficult. I boil two sponges that are pretty much new anyways, and then use that instead of paper towel. I put it between two ceramic plates, with the top plate upside down, and aim a small electric heater at the plates. It works very well and I usually have germination in 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
You can heat a small area by placing styro-foam pieces all around a fluro fixture (shoplight type) and trapping the heat from the tubes/ballst. You don't need any styro-foam on top of the fixture. I'm doing this in Montana, well away from any real heat source, and it's 73F-78* in there. (using two 4' fixtures, 4 tubes)
This has been working great, 'cuz it's barely 40*F outside in the daytime here.
Put styro-foam under the planters, too, and keep growth as close as possible to the lights.

You can get pretty good sized chunks of styro out of any large shipping box?

