Hello All, New large Setup


Hi there,

i am new here, and starting my new Project :) I am reading for some time in this Forum, and be really thankful for the Help!!

.. Got a Hydro System with 64Pots and a 750 Liter tank. New Samsung LMB Leds from Easygrow.
Im Using Greenhouse Powder Long Flower, 2/3 RO Water ~350g Calcium 450g Long Flower on 600L in Tank

Got 70 plants from seeds, and now they are in Week 2, i selected the "best" 64 .
And i must say, mostly all of them look different. Some look nice tall an deep green. Some of them got curly Leavs, are bright green and small, and i dont understand what is wrong, is it really the seed quality. All of them get the sam amount of water, but now some a too small so they perhaps get Problem with too much nutrients (EC1.3 70% RO) Perhaps some of you got any Idea what to do

Kind Regards :)
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Well-Known Member
Hi, Jan.
Talk about jumping into the deep end of the pool.
I've found that running multiple strains on a common rez DWC system is ALWAYS a compromise. Plants feed at different rates so unless you're growing clones of the same cut it'll be a constant challenge.


Hey GBAUto,

thanks fot that Infos!
Yes i got 2 different Haze Strains all from seeds. But the differences are soo big, i cant belive it :)

The next ones will be the same, hopefully from cuttings.


Well-Known Member
70 seeds = 70 different plants. Even the most closely related seeds will grow subtly different plants.

For a big operation like yours the next step is to pick the best of the best and grow your next crop from those.

This is assuming that the first crop makes it.

I'm wishing you well but I've seen so many ambitious new growers over the years going big right off the bat just crash and burn that I fear for your success.

Good luck and great growing!



Thank you!
To me it is no Problem when it crashes :)

So i try to get cuttings, ore 100 seedling and select only the best ones. I will perhaps select the best ones on this try, so i go this run with only ~30 plants.



Well-Known Member
Growing on a commercial scale requires uniformity for success.
I think that firing up a pheno hunt grow to find prospective cuts and then work on those.


The Water Temp is at 24°C like the romm Temp. I have read that young PLants need 20-22°C, you think that is a problem?


Well-Known Member
You need to pheno hunt or get clones from another successful grower. Strains are very temperamental with hydro and feed at different rates.


Hi again,

it dont look good :/

the easyblocks are always wet, so i think some of the Problems can be over watering. So i step back to one watering cycle a day.
The water temp was a litte to high so that could be a problem, im using greenhouse powder, so the water temp should be 18-22° .
I am at EC1.2 ( PH 5.6 - 5.8, RH little to low ~40-50 and a room temp about 23-34°. I get the Water chiller the next days, so that problem should be solved. Another thing can be, that the water was standing still for too long, i need a bubbler.. And the water cooler should bring some movement!

Here i got some pictures of the situation, hopefully you got some ideas. :)


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Well-Known Member
Hi again,

it dont look good :/

the easyblocks are always wet, so i think some of the Problems can be over watering. So i step back to one watering cycle a day.
The water temp was a litte to high so that could be a problem, im using greenhouse powder, so the water temp should be 18-22° .
I am at EC1.2 ( PH 5.6 - 5.8, RH little to low ~40-50 and a room temp about 23-34°. I get the Water chiller the next days, so that problem should be solved. Another thing can be, that the water was standing still for too long, i need a bubbler.. And the water cooler should bring some movement!

Here i got some pictures of the situation, hopefully you got some ideas. :)
You can get a decent bubbler setup for under 20$ I love mine! Just a bit of bubbles makes a world of difference I have tasted water out of mine that sat for 4 or 5 days an it was fucking delicious (no ph adjustment or nutes obviously) Like drinking from a remote waterfall in the amazon. couldnt be better.