HELLO AND HELP! Lighting question?


hello, everyone,
i am new to growing and recently purchased a clone and had it for about 2 weeks. i have had a hard time figuring out what the best lighting is since there a so many choices. i had a CFL but found out it is only 23 watts so went and bought a 150 agro light from home depot. is this any good by itself or should i find a 150 watt CFL instead? also i had my baby under continuous light up until today and cut it off for 4 hours. Is 24 hour lighting better then 20/4? i figued it needs some darkness to complete photo cycle. please help thanks.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a link to the CFL?CFLS are good.Keep em about 2" away.You need to add more as it grows.I had 3 just to keep it going in flowering.The 3 were 2-20w(l&r side of plant).& 1 42w(right above).Just add more cfls as it grows.
Im currently using a 150w HPS.Seems to almost double(maybe triple) the seed of growth.But also made the room above setlle temps.Because of ventilation issues.Thats a big + on cfls if you cant knock holes to get ventaliation for a HPS.


Active Member
PUT IT ON AN 18/6 A DAY put her under a few lights cfl dont give off many lumens the more the better with fluorescents but if you want a nice plant buy a high pressure sodium bulb for flowering


thanks guys. yea, my goal is to get a HIS but i have to get a different enclosure first, right now i have it in my bathroom (I KNOW ITS NOT THE BEST PLACE) but i have cats and you know how that goes. So sound like the CFL are way better for the plant even though they are not many watts?! i saw one at home depot that was 40 or 50 watts. sound like i should return the agro/ grow light! And 18/6 is ok even though the plant is small (5-6")and young?


Well-Known Member
18/6 is for veg so yes.12/12 when its seems like the size you would want.Keep in mind they can triple their size when you make the switch.


ok thanks cool i am going to start 6 tonight and i just went to switch the bulds back to my CFL and "blam" i straight droped the agro light! that took care of that! oh well shit happeneds! noting is gonna hurt my plant from the blub braking right? oh and has any one ever heard of doing a baking soda and vinegar mix to produce co2? does it work or do i even need to do that since i enter the room a few times a day and sometimes smoke in there?


:leaf::leaf:oh... also when i got the clone it was in rock wool? i was told it was ok to just put the whole thing in the pot with soil (good soil). does that seem right or should i have pieced apart the rock wool? thanks again:eyesmoke: