Hello brothers and sisters!


Well-Known Member
Hello folks, I am a New Guy here and just wanted to to say; " Hello and I look forward to the learning experiances and thoughts of others. "

Little bit about myself " in general. "

Over the last few years, my health started to get really bad and I am only in my mid thirties.

I started smoking Marijuana a year ago and started smoking it because of pain.

It was an instant love for me and has now become a passion and I have gotten a much better understanding of the Spiritual Nature of this plant and have done countless hours of research on the Spiritual and otherwise benefits from this natural treasure.

My passion is now much deeper for this plant, than just the fact that it wipes out pain faster than anything I have ever taken from a Doctor.

Cannabis in this last year, has changed my life for the better, for good.

It brought me to a higher Spiritual place and lead me to a complete understanding of what it truly takes to live long and healthy based on what we eat and lead me to an understanding of fasting, that changed my life even more and in one year has given me the best health of my life and ZERO PAIN!

Of course, I live in a Country, were it is illegal and you might as well be a Colombian Drug Lord, if caught with the Green Stuff.

Now I am attempting to grow several plants for myself and my wife who has also turned her life around as a direct and indirect result of Cannabis consumption and a change of lifestyle.

I look forward to Spirited conversations and exchanges of knowledge here and to let anyone know up front " I am not a confrontational person and will never respond to anyone that does not give me the respect that I deserve and would give to them also. "

May we all Be Blessed and hopefully add more and more Spirited people to the list of Cannabis users around the world and more and more people understand that this Herb goes way further back and runs way deeper in positive ways, than all of the false Hype that surrounds it.

If we want to truly change the minds of those in power, we have to start representing this Herb in a positive way.

I am just learning, but it stands to reason that if more people that have positive attitudes are showing up around the world as pot smokers and not just shooting around the internet and blasting others for differences of opinions, that we will be able to show a much better light on this plant and our community.

Thanks and Be Blessed and look forward to discussing my current grow with you ladies and gentlemen and learning as much as I can.......TheNatural