Hello,curling leaves/too dry or mag defficiency


Active Member
Hello people,just started my first DWC setup,after the seed germinated for a week or two..
I through them into a slightly bigger box with more airflow!
they seem to be curling a little and drying not sure why!

ph is around 5.6 5.7

one plant the tips look like they have burnt off a bit,
that is potted in coco/pea gravel
other is potted in wool/pea gravel

Here a a few pictures!
help would be much appreciated cheers and peace!P040811_15.47.JPG



Active Member
You should not be giving any nutrients to those plants yet.
They look fine to me and the curling is part of their development.
I cant see the bottom of the cups properly, with them being white, you have to make sure no light can penetrate. If it does, it will stop root development and can cause algae to grow in the water. This is why most plant pots are dark.


Active Member
Other than giving them nutrietns too early I can find nothing wrong with those happy healthy little guys. They look just like mine. Cotes (the little round leaves) will curl and flatten out and do all kinds of stuff as the plant grows.


Active Member
You should not be giving any nutrients to those plants yet.
They look fine to me and the curling is part of their development.
I cant see the bottom of the cups properly, with them being white, you have to make sure no light can penetrate. If it does, it will stop root development and can cause algae to grow in the water. This is why most plant pots are dark.

ok thanks,the texture of the leaves looked a little funny to me,kinda like fake,might be because i have never succeeded lol!
usually cook the lil bastards before they start to develop!

ok um!!nutrients! i only have pure forms of nutrients, and im not sure what micros i could use, as i have been using concentrated form of micro blends from my
aquarium etc! so im not too sure what would be good % of micros
for the plants.


Active Member
thanks,do they really :D i honestly have no experience lol,just mixed up a very low blend of nutrients in a gallon of tab water!
and started from there!
thanks for he help guys and any info would be great!
im looking forward in posing updates! thanks for quick replies again!