Hello from a WV Hillbilly newbie!


I just wanted to thank many of you who have helped me over the last 6 months or so and didn't even know it :) I finally registered on here and hopefully when I get my beans from attitude I can get a grow journal going on here. You all have given me a massive amount of information that has been endlessly helpful from ideas about lighting to which seed bank to use to strains to start with. This place is great!


Well-Known Member
Do you know any of the White family? I saw a movie about them. I always thought WV would be a good place to do a gorilla grow. Anyhow, welcome and see ya around.


I am guessing maybe you saw the PBS "Dancin Hillbilly" documentary. Generally most everyone I know wishes the Whites would fall off the planet because they just make the rest of us look absolutely horrible. And as far as gorilla growing, all you need is the right holler and you'd be set. There are so many places around this state that you could hide a grow just because of the topography of the land. However in the fall around here you usually see LOTS of helicopters flying over looking for plots. And I don't know if it has come into comon use or not, but I had an engineering professor at WVU about 8yrs ago that had developed some type of thing that hangs out of the back of a C-130 airplane to scan for signs of large scale growing. All I can say is that years of being dirt poor and growing a lot of your own food has turned some folks I know into awesome growers that I hope to one have even 1/2 their skill.


Well-Known Member
The film was The wild wonderful Whites. Then there was another one about Jesco, both on Netflix. It would make for great reality tv.
I'd rather see a tv show about them than the Kardashichicks. I understand your dislike however. It paints a bad picture of West Virginians in general. What is a holler? I guess I could look it up. If you're growing a small number of plants outdoors i wouldn't worry about helicopters. But you could never sell it and stay anonymous.


Sorry about the use of the slang, this is urbandictionary's definition for it:
In the south east mountains of the united states this word is used instead of hollow;A small rising valley region between two hills or mountains;often containing a creek; and of course it can also mean to scream or yell.

To be honest I would never have the guts to try an outdoor grow around here, just too much of a case where everyone knows everyone else's buisness, and it would draw questions to be going out to the same place in the woods all the time, especially if you aren't dressed for hunting. I am thinking for my attempt to be extremely small scale, only 1 or 2 plants with a lot of love and attention. I have no desire to make cash from it, that's what I work 40+hrs a week for. I just don't want to have to spend money on it anymore :)