Hello from Australia


Hello there guys I've been hanging around the forums and I thought why not join, I'm new to weed well growing it atleast.
It runs in the family the only shit thing is getting seeds in Australia! The government is strict as but it's all good.

On the side I grow tobacco just for the fun of it I'm growing Wild Rustica at the moment.
But anyway guys thanks for reading and if anyone wants to help me out with my seed problem please let me know if there is a seed bank or anything I can get seeds from.


un named

Active Member
welcome, im from sa to. n jimmy i had to press that button that says DO NOT PRESS what is it? it went to adfly or somthing i carnt remember hope its not a virus lol

un named

Active Member
i used to listen to him still do once in a while....n i think he does i posted lyrics on his thread awhile ago n he liked it so im guessin he does.


Active Member
Yeah I don't mind my drapht :)

And its an ad thing, when you click it goes to adf.ly, in the top right after 5 seconds click skip ad :) Do it again and follow it all the way through.
Adf.ly is a linker basically but it has a 5 second ad which i get paid like 10 cents for everytime someone clicks skip ad :)


I don't mind Drapht and 360 but I don't know what it is I think it's from my parents I love Reggae my parents always used to listen to it.